Quitting dip comes down to one thing... a decision to quit. I can't spell it out any simpler than that. Sure, it's much easier for me to say that today now that I've quit than it would have been on day 1 or day 10, but every day that goes by, I believe it more and more.
I'm not here to tell you that the decision is easy to make because it's certainly not. There are some days when the decision is downright nearly impossible to make. But it's a decision that needs to be made no a daily basis.
There are many things in our lives and in our quits that we have no control over. We can't control the weather, we can't control how people view us, we can't control what happens at the office, we can't control whether we are sick. In our quits, we can't control the withdrawal that we go through, we can't control WHAT symptoms we'll experience nor can we control how long those symptoms persist.
To look at it that way doesn't look good. But remember... the decision.
You can DECIDE to put a dip in.
You can DECIDE to NOT put a dip in.
You can DECIDE whether you want to continue to be a slave to the can.
You can DECIDE to LIVE your life WITHOUT dip.
I've had conversations with other quitters and cavers. I've been asked what makes me different (than someone who's struggling). The answer is simple... I made my decision. I'm not any stronger, I'm not any better and quite frankly I'm not any different. I'm an addict just like all of you... I made my decision. I made my decision this morning just like I have every morning since July 24th. I'll make a decision tomorrow as well.
When you're thinking that quitting isn't possible... when you're thinking that everything is out of your control and you NEED your dip... make a decision.
You're in a place where people can help you once you're made your decision but we can't make it for you. We're here to help.
DECIDE to let us help.
DECIDE to not dip today.
DECIDE to live life WITHOUT dip or chew.
DECIDE to live.
This thing is simple -- it's decision time my friend...