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Outdoor Texan...Curtis...don't know what group you're in, but I see you in here a lot. Just wanted to say hello and send a big "CONGRATULATIONS" on hitting the the six hunny today! You continue to be an inspiration to us all, brother!
Quote from: optioncoach Thanks ODT....I will keep posting the Steeler stuff.Especially for WhoDey. Cuz he knows We-Dey!This is the longest day I can remember in a long time. Tell you what, though. I am sucking the seeds like a champ!What did you all think about the fake stuff? Did it work for you? Reccomned any brand in particular? option -- there's a great write up of some smokeless alternatives over at KillTheCan.org courtesy of our good buddy trojanscott.http://www.killthecan.org/yourquit/reviews.asppersoanally, i was a big fan of smokey mountain chew -- but the bottom line is do WHATEVER it takes to keep the real crap out of your mouth... that's job #1chewie
Thanks ODT....I will keep posting the Steeler stuff.Especially for WhoDey. Cuz he knows We-Dey!This is the longest day I can remember in a long time. Tell you what, though. I am sucking the seeds like a champ!What did you all think about the fake stuff? Did it work for you? Reccomned any brand in particular?
Quote from: optioncoach Quote from: QuittinTime Quote from: optioncoach Good Morning all! I already feel like crap, but I'm here to say I wont be dipping today! Good Morning. Feeling like crap? Well, you're right on track. It will pass. Just keep focused, keep busy, get a few days under your belt and the sun will start to shine. Bust this one out, get the job done, there's no other option. B) Man, this sucks. Im in another world right now. I should just sleep for 4 days That's not a bad idea at all, just say fuck it and go to bed early for a while. Sleep that shit out of your system. B)
Quote from: QuittinTime Quote from: optioncoach Good Morning all! I already feel like crap, but I'm here to say I wont be dipping today! Good Morning. Feeling like crap? Well, you're right on track. It will pass. Just keep focused, keep busy, get a few days under your belt and the sun will start to shine. Bust this one out, get the job done, there's no other option. B) Man, this sucks. Im in another world right now. I should just sleep for 4 days
Quote from: optioncoach Good Morning all! I already feel like crap, but I'm here to say I wont be dipping today! Good Morning. Feeling like crap? Well, you're right on track. It will pass. Just keep focused, keep busy, get a few days under your belt and the sun will start to shine. Bust this one out, get the job done, there's no other option. B)
Good Morning all! I already feel like crap, but I'm here to say I wont be dipping today!
Thanks ODT....I will keep posting the Steeler stuff.Especially for WhoDey. Cuz he knows We-Dey!This is the longest day I can remember in a long time. Tell you what, though. I am sucking the seeds like a champ!What did you all think about the fake stuff? Did it work for you? Reccomned any brand in particular?