So I don't know about any of the Tobaccoless snuses, I want to try them but how do any of you feel about the Strong mint flavored toothpics to help mitigate those cravings?
On day one and I'm real nervous about tomorrow but I threw away all my nic cans, so lets do this
I'd say anything that you use to keep that filth out of your mouth is perfect. I went with sugarless gum and sunflower seeds. I'm told dipping cotton balls can help. It's really up to each individual to figure out what works best for them. There are some fake alternatives that I never tried but there are reviews on the KTC front page. B)B
Hey Garrett. Stranger is right, whatever helps you through it, but I'll add my two cents anyway.
I used the fake stuff for a month or so. I still keep some in the drawer just in case. For me it was the Smokey Mountain Wintergreen. Do yourself a favor and order a bunch of it on amazon or online somewhere. Don't risk going into a Wal-Mart or convenience store to ask for it. I did and about had a nervous breakdown staring at all the real stuff.
I still don't venture into gas stations anymore - and it's been 165 days for me.
Drink loads of water, stay away from alcohol, put together a list of chores - stay fucking busy. Then go to bed early. Keep this site open on a window on your computer. Read the stories, venture into other quit groups, use the chat feature. We've all been there. We know your pain. If you want to get pissed, get pissed at one of us - we can take it.
That's the equation that worked best for me, and still does.
It does get easier, I promise you. I still think about it - but man, I'm damn proud of my 165 day number and going back to 1 just isn't an option.