I'd like to share a magic and secret formula for breaking free of the Nicotine Slave Master. Unfortunately, there isn't one. The formula is simple:
1) Close the Door on Dip.
2) Join this forum.
3) Post roll every day and be accountable.
4) Read HOF speeches.
5) Participate in as many threads as possible. At least for the 1st year, your post total should exceed your days quit.
6) Deal with craves and triggers one at the time any way you have to except with nicotine.
It's like eating an elephant; you have to do it one bite at a time. You can't eat one all at one time and you can't commit to being dip-free forever. We only have today and can only deal with it.
And, ladies gents, it DOES get better. Much, much better. One day dip will have no part of your day.
Euty ~ Day 1,400 nicotine-FREE