Author Topic: General Discussion - 2014  (Read 113757 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1105 on: November 27, 2014, 05:23:00 AM »
i decided to quit dipping for sure yesterday and i threw my cans in the trash... then i felt like dipping so bad i dug thru the trash to get a can and threw another dip in.. i feel like a fucking fiend its riduculous, as much as i want to quit permanently i couldnt help myself fuck i feel like a crackhead or something with this

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1104 on: November 26, 2014, 10:21:00 PM »
Quote from: SandPike
Quote from: ILquitter
I've had the same problem. Talk to your doctor, he might give you a temporary script for a sleeping pill to get you through the tough nights. I'd imagine trying to get through a quit with no sleep would make it easier to cave, which is the last thing you want.
Thats good advice and reminds me that I took zzzquill after the third night too, and that it really helped me get to sleep but, it did not keep me from waking so early either. I think it was a week later, that I just stopped taking the zzzquill and fell asleep fine without it. Everyone is different so maybe a prescribed sleeping pill would be right for you temporarily. Getting lots of sleep could only make it easier to get through the first stages of your quit.
for me benadryl did the trick. Some also use melatonin.

Offline SandPike

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1103 on: November 26, 2014, 03:52:00 PM »
Quote from: ILquitter
I've had the same problem. Talk to your doctor, he might give you a temporary script for a sleeping pill to get you through the tough nights. I'd imagine trying to get through a quit with no sleep would make it easier to cave, which is the last thing you want.
Thats good advice and reminds me that I took zzzquill after the third night too, and that it really helped me get to sleep but, it did not keep me from waking so early either. I think it was a week later, that I just stopped taking the zzzquill and fell asleep fine without it. Everyone is different so maybe a prescribed sleeping pill would be right for you temporarily. Getting lots of sleep could only make it easier to get through the first stages of your quit.

Offline ILquitter

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1102 on: November 26, 2014, 03:36:00 PM »
I've had the same problem. Talk to your doctor, he might give you a temporary script for a sleeping pill to get you through the tough nights. I'd imagine trying to get through a quit with no sleep would make it easier to cave, which is the last thing you want.

Offline SandPike

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1101 on: November 26, 2014, 01:46:00 PM »
Quote from: bbowman
Good morning guys! Day 13 for me today. Actually the main issue I am having is not being able to sleep. Even prior to quitting, I had problems, but I could take Melatonin and sleep for 8 hours. Now, I take it and I am up off and on all night and finally get out of bed after about 5 hours and start over and do the same thing the next night. Anyone else experience this?

I still get the craving, but not too bad. I am afraid of getting the Herbal stuff because I am scared it will give me the real craving back for the real stuff. Any input on this?

bowman, not sure if this will help or not but,when I quit(31 days ago), I immediately started chewing smokey mountain. I honestly have not craved a chew since I quit. I also did not sleep one wink, for the first 72 hours of my quit. I now fall asleep almost immediately when I go to bed at night but, I also wake at 4:00 AM every day, which I do not want to do. I am hoping the waking prob gets better as my quit goes on, because almost all other aspects seem to do so.

I hopes this helps at least a little bit. Take care brother!

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1100 on: November 26, 2014, 07:49:00 AM »
Good morning guys! Day 13 for me today. Actually the main issue I am having is not being able to sleep. Even prior to quitting, I had problems, but I could take Melatonin and sleep for 8 hours. Now, I take it and I am up off and on all night and finally get out of bed after about 5 hours and start over and do the same thing the next night. Anyone else experience this?

I still get the craving, but not too bad. I am afraid of getting the Herbal stuff because I am scared it will give me the real craving back for the real stuff. Any input on this?


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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1099 on: November 25, 2014, 05:17:00 PM »
It doesn't matter what status you have in life, if you're a using addict, you'll lie to yourself and others. ... e-at-white

Offline SandPike

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1098 on: November 25, 2014, 04:58:00 PM »
Quote from: ILquitter
Hi all,

So I just bought some tobacco-free Herbal snuff that I saw recommended here called Smokey Mountain. I put some in and immediately started to almost feel a buzz and a sense of relief come over me. there is no nicotine or tobacco in it so it can't be a real buzz right? I haven't felt a nicotine buzz in years so i'm confused. has anyone experienced this? Is it just my mind playing tricks on me because it is so similar in look and texture to real dip? Any help would be appreciated.
That's exactly what it is brother. Your mind is still very conditioned to nicotine, and it is "looking" for it in your mouth. Smokey mountain has helped me with my quit as much as KTC has. In fact, I could not have done this quit, without either of them. Good luck with your quit IL.

PM me if you need digits and want to talk.

Offline ILquitter

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1097 on: November 25, 2014, 04:45:00 PM »
Hi all,

So I just bought some tobacco-free Herbal snuff that I saw recommended here called Smokey Mountain. I put some in and immediately started to almost feel a buzz and a sense of relief come over me. there is no nicotine or tobacco in it so it can't be a real buzz right? I haven't felt a nicotine buzz in years so i'm confused. has anyone experienced this? Is it just my mind playing tricks on me because it is so similar in look and texture to real dip? Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1096 on: November 25, 2014, 01:52:00 PM »
I hate missing red hot troll action......
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1095 on: November 25, 2014, 02:28:00 AM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: JR88
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: JR88
Quote from: RLTW
Quote from: JR88
It's tough man.....been without the snuff/dip for awhile much as I want a damn big dip of Grizzly Wintergreen or some Copenhagen right now.... But instead take a big ass chaw of some good Levi Garrett or Redman Golden Blend, also got a plug of Days work haha,

I don't know how to be off nicotine totally roughly 10 years longest I ever went was like 2 months and it was pure hell the whole god did I feel like a different much Anxiety/Depression/Cognitive Decline...Headaches, you name it.....

Have to say though I am glad to be off the Snuff/dip though, as much as I will always miss it you know....
Again. .. you are NOT QUIT. You can't say shit. You have no ground to stand on. You need to figure it out because you are confused as to what the rules of this place are.
I can say what I want you fucking punk/bitch I didn't know...go Fuck yourself.... fucking question me again bitch I will fuck you up, being off the dip alone for any length of time is unbelievable for me so shut the fuck up. I'm still working on the chaw.
Easy with the tough talk, and chest thumbing, Jr.

If you are chewing leaf tobacco, you haven't Quit anything yet. You are still ingesting nicotine, which, you are addicted to. So am I. That's why I won't have any today.

You need to read up on this site, and what we are really about. It's not about chew, dip, snuff, snus, cigarettes, or even vape. We are dedicated to helping addicts like you Quit their adicction from Nicotine. As it is, most of us used to use smokeless, which is where we get our name and our bond.

If you're looking for help in quitting, you are in absolutely THE best place to get the information, and help you desperately need.

If you are here to act tough, and be a general doosh, move along.

Start here. Read everything you can. Then you decide. Until you've made your decision to Quit, and are a willing member of this community, kindly stay off the boards while you are still using.

Fuck man...I'm not here to act tough.... just mentioning how it sucks and rather extremely difficult to quit etc, and looking about others experiences/info how related to mine etc damn
Well, then, as I suggested, let's Quit.

That means you get rid of anything you have with nicotine in it. Right now. Let's see how much you want this.

That includes Levi, Lancaster, Red Man, Days O' Work, EVERYTHING. You may not replace dip with nicorette, lozenges, patches, or e-cigs.

We are a Cold Turkey forum, and as long as you are using nicotine, you are not permitted access to our forums.

So what's going to be? Are you flushing your entire stash right now and Quitting, or are you going to lurk for another three months and not man up?
Doesn't sound like JR is someone that's ready to quit. And you can't force them to see the light.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Nolaq

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1094 on: November 24, 2014, 04:52:00 PM »
Quote from: JR88
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: JR88
Quote from: RLTW
Quote from: JR88
It's tough man.....been without the snuff/dip for awhile much as I want a damn big dip of Grizzly Wintergreen or some Copenhagen right now.... But instead take a big ass chaw of some good Levi Garrett or Redman Golden Blend, also got a plug of Days work haha,

I don't know how to be off nicotine totally roughly 10 years longest I ever went was like 2 months and it was pure hell the whole god did I feel like a different much Anxiety/Depression/Cognitive Decline...Headaches, you name it.....

Have to say though I am glad to be off the Snuff/dip though, as much as I will always miss it you know....
Again. .. you are NOT QUIT. You can't say shit. You have no ground to stand on. You need to figure it out because you are confused as to what the rules of this place are.
I can say what I want you fucking punk/bitch I didn't know...go Fuck yourself.... fucking question me again bitch I will fuck you up, being off the dip alone for any length of time is unbelievable for me so shut the fuck up. I'm still working on the chaw.
Easy with the tough talk, and chest thumbing, Jr.

If you are chewing leaf tobacco, you haven't Quit anything yet. You are still ingesting nicotine, which, you are addicted to. So am I. That's why I won't have any today.

You need to read up on this site, and what we are really about. It's not about chew, dip, snuff, snus, cigarettes, or even vape. We are dedicated to helping addicts like you Quit their adicction from Nicotine. As it is, most of us used to use smokeless, which is where we get our name and our bond.

If you're looking for help in quitting, you are in absolutely THE best place to get the information, and help you desperately need.

If you are here to act tough, and be a general doosh, move along.

Start here. Read everything you can. Then you decide. Until you've made your decision to Quit, and are a willing member of this community, kindly stay off the boards while you are still using.

Fuck man...I'm not here to act tough.... just mentioning how it sucks and rather extremely difficult to quit etc, and looking about others experiences/info how related to mine etc damn
Well, then, as I suggested, let's Quit.

That means you get rid of anything you have with nicotine in it. Right now. Let's see how much you want this.

That includes Levi, Lancaster, Red Man, Days O' Work, EVERYTHING. You may not replace dip with nicorette, lozenges, patches, or e-cigs.

We are a Cold Turkey forum, and as long as you are using nicotine, you are not permitted access to our forums.

So what's going to be? Are you flushing your entire stash right now and Quitting, or are you going to lurk for another three months and not man up?
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline JR88

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1093 on: November 24, 2014, 04:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: JR88
Quote from: RLTW
Quote from: JR88
It's tough man.....been without the snuff/dip for awhile much as I want a damn big dip of Grizzly Wintergreen or some Copenhagen right now.... But instead take a big ass chaw of some good Levi Garrett or Redman Golden Blend, also got a plug of Days work haha,

I don't know how to be off nicotine totally roughly 10 years longest I ever went was like 2 months and it was pure hell the whole god did I feel like a different much Anxiety/Depression/Cognitive Decline...Headaches, you name it.....

Have to say though I am glad to be off the Snuff/dip though, as much as I will always miss it you know....
Again. .. you are NOT QUIT. You can't say shit. You have no ground to stand on. You need to figure it out because you are confused as to what the rules of this place are.
I can say what I want you fucking punk/bitch I didn't know...go Fuck yourself.... fucking question me again bitch I will fuck you up, being off the dip alone for any length of time is unbelievable for me so shut the fuck up. I'm still working on the chaw.
Easy with the tough talk, and chest thumbing, Jr.

If you are chewing leaf tobacco, you haven't Quit anything yet. You are still ingesting nicotine, which, you are addicted to. So am I. That's why I won't have any today.

You need to read up on this site, and what we are really about. It's not about chew, dip, snuff, snus, cigarettes, or even vape. We are dedicated to helping addicts like you Quit their adicction from Nicotine. As it is, most of us used to use smokeless, which is where we get our name and our bond.

If you're looking for help in quitting, you are in absolutely THE best place to get the information, and help you desperately need.

If you are here to act tough, and be a general doosh, move along.

Start here. Read everything you can. Then you decide. Until you've made your decision to Quit, and are a willing member of this community, kindly stay off the boards while you are still using.

Fuck man...I'm not here to act tough.... just mentioning how it sucks and rather extremely difficult to quit etc, and looking about others experiences/info how related to mine etc damn

Offline Nolaq

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1092 on: November 24, 2014, 04:44:00 PM »
Quote from: JR88
Quote from: RLTW
Quote from: JR88
It's tough man.....been without the snuff/dip for awhile much as I want a damn big dip of Grizzly Wintergreen or some Copenhagen right now.... But instead take a big ass chaw of some good Levi Garrett or Redman Golden Blend, also got a plug of Days work haha,

I don't know how to be off nicotine totally roughly 10 years longest I ever went was like 2 months and it was pure hell the whole god did I feel like a different much Anxiety/Depression/Cognitive Decline...Headaches, you name it.....

Have to say though I am glad to be off the Snuff/dip though, as much as I will always miss it you know....
Again. .. you are NOT QUIT. You can't say shit. You have no ground to stand on. You need to figure it out because you are confused as to what the rules of this place are.
I can say what I want you fucking punk/bitch I didn't know...go Fuck yourself.... fucking question me again bitch I will fuck you up, being off the dip alone for any length of time is unbelievable for me so shut the fuck up. I'm still working on the chaw.
Easy with the tough talk, and chest thumbing, Jr.

If you are chewing leaf tobacco, you haven't Quit anything yet. You are still ingesting nicotine, which, you are addicted to. So am I. That's why I won't have any today.

You need to read up on this site, and what we are really about. It's not about chew, dip, snuff, snus, cigarettes, or even vape. We are dedicated to helping addicts like you Quit their adicction from Nicotine. As it is, most of us used to use smokeless, which is where we get our name and our bond.

If you're looking for help in quitting, you are in absolutely THE best place to get the information, and help you desperately need.

If you are here to act tough, and be a general doosh, move along.

Start here. Read everything you can. Then you decide. Until you've made your decision to Quit, and are a willing member of this community, kindly stay off the boards while you are still using.

What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #1091 on: November 24, 2014, 04:26:00 PM »
Quote from: RLTW
Quote from: JR88
It's tough man.....been without the snuff/dip for awhile much as I want a damn big dip of Grizzly Wintergreen or some Copenhagen right now.... But instead take a big ass chaw of some good Levi Garrett or Redman Golden Blend, also got a plug of Days work haha,

I don't know how to be off nicotine totally roughly 10 years longest I ever went was like 2 months and it was pure hell the whole god did I feel like a different much Anxiety/Depression/Cognitive Decline...Headaches, you name it.....

Have to say though I am glad to be off the Snuff/dip though, as much as I will always miss it you know....
Again. .. you are NOT QUIT. You can't say shit. You have no ground to stand on. You need to figure it out because you are confused as to what the rules of this place are.
I can say what I want you fucking punk/bitch I didn't know...go Fuck yourself.... fucking question me again bitch I will fuck you up, being off the dip alone for any length of time is unbelievable for me so shut the fuck up. I'm still working on the chaw.