I'm going to start being a quitter tomorrow after having my third fight in the past 4 months over tobacco with my beloved girlfriend this evening .
Please send me some resources and your support as I know I'll be needing them greatly! Thank you! KK Mich
The resources are all around you, my friend.
Our program begins and ends with posting roll (promising not to use nicotine today). We promise each other, and we keep our words. We just keep repeating this over and over and over again using the people and knowledge here to keep that promise.
My best advice to you is to strap in, quit, and post a day one in our March 2015 group. Plan to drink a ton of water these first few days. Limit your caffeine as many find it to be quite potent right now. Exercise is awesome for the quit as you need to push this poison out of your system (sweat and the water do this). Have a supply of seeds, gums, herbal snuffs, etc on hand and ready. You don't want to plan when your world is collapsing around you in a crave. You just want to reach for your weapons.
Most importantly, post up. Make some friends. WE're all walking the same path as you are today. Some of us have just been here before. We can show you the path. We can show you the signs. But you have to make the journey.
Got your back in this battle man.