Hi. Welcome.
I think you have it a little backwards. We are not here to have you tell us how to Quit. We are here to help YOU, because as far as Quitting goes, you don't know dick about it.
Instead of all the accolades you're expecting from everyone here on what you wrote, how about you start reading about what Quitting is all about, because it's definitely NOT about swtching from liquor to Bud Lite.
Happy Birthday, btw. I was about 29 when I finally started to pull my head out of my ass and learn that I don't know everything.
Let me know if you need any help,
Nolaq, I would like to say that you may be older, but you are in no way more educated on quitting tobacco than me. Way to try and downplay my age by saying "when I was 29". You took my post completely wrong.
I would now like to update and say that 2 months now without chewing, and over a month after that post I initially made, I stopped drinking beer. I drank beer to help me get over the urge at the time when it was really tough. It did help me, maybe it doesn't apply to you or a lot of people, but we are all different and perhaps someone that read this tried it and it helped them.
You are not god and you are not mister know it all. You sound like a bitter, miserable person that should start chewing again.
I don't need your advice or input. I am free and clear of all drugs now, and just today read your message, so in no way have you helped. You best not post negative comments like you did towards me.
You know why? Because you dont know DICK.
How about you actually do some reading on this site? If you do, you'll see that we don't need your asinine little "use a different drug to help you cope with quitting another drug" nonsense.
Feel free to join us and participate, but learn what we do here first.
PS- don't ever even joke about someone chewing again.
let me try to lay this out for you..
This is a website dedicated to quitting tobacco/nicotine.
It has 21000 members
It is closing in on 3 million posts
The founding members of the site have north of 3000 days quit each.
The people who answered you here have over 4000 days quit between them.
We know the secret to not only stopping for a few weeks, but making a quit last a lifetime. That secret is found here. It is yours for the taking. But you have to want it.
Hi again. You can edit your original post all you want, but this was our original exchange:
Hi everyone,
I just joined here. I have chewed since I was a teenage, I am 29 yrs old as of today. I haven't chewed in a couple weeks and everything is going great so far. I joined this forum and website, because I wanted to share my experience with quitting and how bad my habit has been over the years.
Up until I quit, I was chewing every 30 minutes, or less. I would intentionally leave my office at work or find time to sit in my car or be somewhere private so I could have a dip. That right there sounds very bad, mentally blocked everything else out so I could enjoy the nicotine and dopamine rush. So since I was chewing so much, it had eaten away at productive time in life and at work, so I was less effective.
One of the major reasons I would say over the years I continued to chew, is because I am a very hyperactive person and getting a stim from dipping, would help me sit still in one place for an hour or so or more. It helped me mellow out, or atleast I thought so. But what it really did was make me not want to have discussion and/or communicate with others in my work life and personal life. Relationships for me fell apart. My habit took over my life.
I want to skip now until now, today, and how I have successfully not chewed now and not had any urges. This may come off and sound very bad, but I believe in one step at a time and sometimes if you have an addictive personality, like me, you shouldn't just stop things cold turkey.
So what I have done is drink beer. Yea, I know, sounds bad. But I am not a beer guy, usually drink liquor, but for some weird reason for me, drinking Bud Light and lighter beers curb my appetite for a dip. We are all different, and what works for me may not work for you, but maybe its worth a try?
I know this much, I am just waiting for all those toxins to leave my body because I won't ever dip again. I have treated people poorly and missed out on a lot of things over the past decade, simply to want to sit at home in front of the TV and enjoy a dip, when the truth is - I really didnt enjoy it or have a good time at all.
I hope this post is helpful to anyone that reads it.
Hi. Welcome.
I think you have it a little backwards. We are not here to have you tell us how to Quit. We are here to help YOU, because as far as Quitting goes, you don't know dick about it.
Instead of all the accolades you're expecting from everyone here on what you wrote, how about you start reading about what Quitting is all about, because it's definitely NOT about swtching from liquor to Bud Lite.
Happy Birthday, btw. I was about 29 when I finally started to pull my head out of my ass and learn that I don't know everything.
Let me know if you need any help,
Why, if I don't know DICK, did you edit your original post yesterday?
Nevermind. You've been here twice and twice, posted dribble. You're right. You have all the answers, and we can't help you with shit.
Have a good life.
Not what I've heard, NOLAQ has known lots of dicks and liked everyone of them.
Let the young guy grow up he will come around, he's a late bloomer.
At least he realizes that he needs to quit at age 29. What I would give to have quit at 29.
wow, where do you start? ill give it a shot and see how well it goes over....
1) Never wish Nic on anyone ever, if you do you do not have the nads to post ANYWHERE on this site EVER. please go fuck yourself
2) you have all the answers and don't need us anyways...
3) all the guys that posted before me know their shit when it comes to quit, listen it WILL save your life.
4) you can pull your head out of your ass before your 29, I am 25 and quit for 95 days and filling in the HOF train stuff now, something I hope one day youll get the joy of doing.
5) everyone here is here to help you, even if at first you don't know it. you will.
6) most imoportant of all: there are many dicks in this world.... little dicks, big dicks, purple dicks, short dicks, fat dicks, gay dicks, long dicks, hairy dicks, dicks you tuck into your ankle socks, dicks you need a magnifying glass for, rainbow dicks, dick sandwiches, dick kabobs, dick pizza, ugly dicks, great dicks, dick face, and the most rare of all dicks is the smallest of all. The little dick that thinks they know quit. and NOLAQ knows them all