Hi. Welcome.
I think you have it a little backwards. We are not here to have you tell us how to Quit. We are here to help YOU, because as far as Quitting goes, you don't know dick about it.
Instead of all the accolades you're expecting from everyone here on what you wrote, how about you start reading about what Quitting is all about, because it's definitely NOT about swtching from liquor to Bud Lite.
Happy Birthday, btw. I was about 29 when I finally started to pull my head out of my ass and learn that I don't know everything.
Let me know if you need any help,
Nolaq, I would like to say that you may be older, but you are in no way more educated on quitting tobacco than me. Way to try and downplay my age by saying "when I was 29". You took my post completely wrong.
I would now like to update and say that 2 months now without chewing, and over a month after that post I initially made, I stopped drinking beer. I drank beer to help me get over the urge at the time when it was really tough. It did help me, maybe it doesn't apply to you or a lot of people, but we are all different and perhaps someone that read this tried it and it helped them.
You are not god and you are not mister know it all. You sound like a bitter, miserable person that should start chewing again.
I don't need your advice or input. I am free and clear of all drugs now, and just today read your message, so in no way have you helped. You best not post negative comments like you did towards me.
You know why? Because you dont know DICK.