4 days into my quit. its pretty rough. i always used to reward myself with a big ol' dip when i felt like i deserved it (or anyother time really)
every time i get thru a situation during the day that i resisted the nic bitch my mind flashes to taking a dip as a reward for not taking a dip.
pretty fucked up right?
also having a hard time wrapping my mind around the concept of never dipping again.
i keep thinking : and then, and then.......but i can never dip again.
never? ever? kind of like infinity, impossible to imagine.
it is easy to say one day at a time but i know that all of them strung together starts to look a lot like forever.
i know i need to do this. the fog has got me by the balls today
Fuck forever. I'm kicking it for right now. No rewards, no compromises. Just right now. I can keep it at bay for the next 5 minutes. That's all I need.
Occupy yourself with something other than thinking about dipping. Read anything and everything here. Work out. Drink water. All these things help.
Most importantly - Post Roll. Reach out to your October brothers. They are struggling with you right now and can offer a hand, a shoulder or a foot. Which ever you need.
Quitting is not impossible.