Author Topic: * My Quitting Journey  (Read 2349 times)

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Offline golfguy1959

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* My Quitting Journey
« on: October 14, 2009, 01:46:00 PM »
I guess its my time for a speech. If this was public speaking I would never be able to do it.
I started dipping a very long time ago at the age of 15 yrs old. All the guys my age were doing it and at that time there were no warning labels on the cans. I so wish it had made me sick like it did a lot of people but no all it did to me was give me a buzz. About 3 yrs later I had to go to the emergency room on the weekend with a very badly sprained ankle, They checked my ankle out and said it was just a bad sprain. They were really worried about my blood pressure being very high. I went back to my family doctor a few days later and it was still high. I was 18 years old and taking 3 blood pressure pills daily. Know one could figure out why it was so high at such a young age.
About 10 yrs later I decided to quit dipping. I was dipping about 1 can daily. I had all the quitting symptoms but managed to quit for 3.5 years. During that time my blood pressure returned to normal and was taken off BP meds.
Well you guessed it.......was out hunting with a friend one day when he stopped at the store and bought some loose leaf tobacco. Why did I take a chew of that? I was addicted instantly after that. Remember people you can never take just one chew again ever!
So about 4 months ago I decided it was time once again to quit for good. I'm back on BP medicine, dipping 2 cans daily. Having heart palpatations, getting up at night to get a fix, teeth trouble and list goes on and on.
My mother died from smoking, my dad died from a stroke....he dipped, I lost my best friend to pancreas cancer....he dipped and was only 39. People this stuff will kill you.
I am so glad I found this site. My October quit group is awesome. I only posted roll late one time when I could not get online and many were checKing on me. I want to thank a couple of guys not in my group that helped me a long the way....LAQuitter and MULE.....SEC
I have my trophy can on a shelf in my office so I can always see it when I look up. I labeled the back with the date 7-06-09....4:00 last dip of tobacco.

Thanks Guys........Scott
WoooPigggggg Sooooooie!