Just an extra reason why to hate that nic bitch
The thing that still gets me is the negative effect of dip on my marriage.
How many times I've chosen dip over fucking my wife.
How many times I wasn't able to kiss my wife more intimately than a peck on the lips because of having a dip in
How, and this is a long one, my wife must have felt when I caved. I think on how I would feel if a brother here caves that I have only known for 2 months. Shit lets make it more intense lets say a brother here that I talk to frequently, daily, hourly...How betrayed I would feel, how pissed off I'd be. Over people I've never met face to face. Fuckin how pissed we all were at Danny for Lying about caving on roll for two days. Now putting myself in my wife's shoes. Thinking how she must have felt when I told her I'd quit, how I wasn't going to use anymore! and then a few months down the line my breath starts to stink a little bit like ass covered with toothpaste. and then seeing a couple of little flakes on my shirt, noticing my fingers are a little stained. Ask me about it "Oh no babe, I swear I'm still not dipping" Blatantly lying! watching me not even hide the cigarettes at the bars anymore, and one day coming home early to me with a dip in. And then hearing "It was just one! I swear i had a long day at work, here I'll throw out the can!" Another blatant lie and maybe she calls me on it so we have an argument that ends up with me yelling that she's taking this shit to seriously calm the fuck down it was just one!!! Then she finds a spitter in my truck cause I forgot we had to go to the grocery store after work and at this point I'm already to a dip on the drive home. Then another argument filled with lie after lie. And then I don't care anymore, truth comes out, she finds out I've been dipping behind her back and its a relief for me because now I don't have to hide it! But I don't pay attention to her face because all I care about is putting in a fatty. That runs through my head a lot lately. How many times I've done that to her. And how I would feel if skol caved. How I would feel if I found out Athan lied about caving by his admission. How I would feel if I could see them lying to me but couldn't call them on it. And I've known them for time measuring in days that haven't even hit triple digits yet.
How she must have hated my fucking guts.
Maybe its just me, but how much of a negative effect has my addiction had on the person I'm supposed to care the most about. How little have I cared about that until I've been put in her shoes. I dunno maybe you guys have a different relationship with your wives and have never put them through what I have put my wife through. Good for you guys. I dunno just wanted to re-post this here because it weighs on me. And I think that many of you guys that have done this to your wives should probably have this weigh on you as well. Also I'm probably hoping that some of you come clean and admit that they've put their wife through the same, because honestly I feel like a real cunt after typing that out.
I will never cave again. This site and my brothers will help me but after being on the other side of it in a minor way, can't even imagine the anger and betrayal I would feel if someone close to me caved. I will never do that to her again.