If I had to distill it down to one descriptive word, it would be distortion.
The addiction distorts the userÂ’s perception of reality; twists it into dependency.
The distortion is that nicotine enhances life experiences.
By effecting the release of dopamine in the brain, it becomes the central experience; the lens through which life is viewed, the context upon which other experiences are weighed.
And because this occurs in the brain; it is intrinsic to the mind. It is for this reason I tell you that what you are dealing with is NOT mind over matter but LIFE over ADDICTION.
This is why accountability groups are so successful; an objective third party to counterbalance the addicts own brain when struggling with desire for the next fix.
Yes, it's true, a real man can quit on his own, but only a fool does it needlessly.
More often than not, the fool fails.