Some say TGIF. But Fridays are the some of the hardest for me. The routine was a case of beer on the way home and two cans (I deluded myself that I only chewed two cans a week - I would buy at least one more before the next Friday)
Then there's Tuesdays, the relief of making it through another Monday calls out for a dip.
Thursdays usually saw me grab a case of beer if I had one of those rare Fridays off as the weekend started early, or maybe I was just out of beer. And hey, while I'm there, I might as well grab a can or two to go; wouldn't want to be inefficient with gas at $2+/gallon
Wednesdays weren't too bad but nothing like a fatty to settle in after dinner at church (course I had to hide it there, gotta gut it cause you can't spit and I'm sure no one noticed the bulge in my lip)
Saturdays and Sundays were always balls out weekend chew like there's no tomorrow and I usually went through both of Friday's cans. My lip was so raw and painful the love hate relationship was renewed in full every Sunday evening as I put that last painful wad in place even though I didn't enjoy it.
So Monday found me hating the weed and usually making it several hours before I succumbed to it's sweet lies, "hey this'll make you feel better".
Of course, all of that's by the wayside now. History, water under the bridge, yesterdays news, flushed away, etc.
Now I'm quit, quit with all of you!