So I am planning to quit. I have tried several times to quit cold turkey, only to return with a vengeance. Finally began looking into alternatives, because Ive found what I miss most is that oral fixation. I have tried BacOff in the past but didn't even make it through one can as I am used to long cut and this was more like fine cut.
Can anyone suggest a good alternative? Preferably one that won't float. I am a cope, wintergreen, long cut man. I really want to quit but can't seem to kick it.
Gum and patches won't work. They just drag out the process of getting nicotine out of your system, and you are basically craving all the time.
I was a Kodiak Wintergreen guy, and for me, Smokey Mountain Wintergreen worked really well. It took care of the fix I needed without having any nicotine in it. You can generally get these at Wal-Mart or online.
And planning to Quit is not how you'll succeed. Just do it. Flush your shit and let's get you on roll in the April 2018 Pre-HOF Quit Group. You'll get the support you need, and will develop Brotherhood with a bunch of guys who are going through the same stuff as you are.
That's the key, getting in tight with people going through the same things you are at the same time. I used Smokey Wintergreen for a while, but eventually that faded as did the 'hand to mouth' obsession we all have.
Whats great about this place is that no matter how comfortable or cocky you may feel about your quit (im at 880+ now), there is ALWAYS someone further along than you. If i slip up, if I get lazy, people are watching. I hadn't posted one day a week ago or so it was late in the day..., driving home and got a text from a vet saying 'hey JB its never to late to post!"
Cmon man, how great is that? He was right. I always seem to wreck the roll with my mobile but i was content on waiting until i got home. Nope, I was called out, by another vet. Loved it. I pulled over, and posted, wrecked the roll but i did it.
When you get to be a vet the best thing is mentoring newbies, watching and helping them through the beginning. And my favorite is when a newbie I have been texting or talking with makes the HOF, it feels like
ME making the HOF all over again. Satisfaction on steroids.