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Re: Kybo
« Reply #197 on: January 08, 2025, 09:41:50 AM »
Day 2558

Seven years of quit!

My dad fell and broke his hip a couple weeks ago.  The poor guy is still in the hospital doing physical therapy after the surgery that he had on Christmas Eve.  Needless to say I have been making several trips two hours each way to my old hometown to stop in and see him and make sure my mom is doing okay at home alone.  I moved away 35 years ago and when I do go back to visit I don't usually go anyplace except my parents' house or maybe a nearby restaurant.  They live out in the country so I haven't really driven thru the actual town in 35 years.  The hospital that my dad is staying in is right in the heart of downtown.  So, I have been driving in several times a week and traveling thru areas I have not seen in decades.  Why am I telling you this?

I am telling you this to reiterate how important it is to change your habits and remember your triggers.  I am one of those guys that is set in my ways.  I am not a huge fan of change.  I still listen to pretty much the same music that I listened to 35 years ago.  Hank Williams Jr's albums from the 70's and 80's are pretty much the soundtrack to my life.  So, as I am rolling thru neighborhoods that I haven't seen in forever, my truck stereo is cranking out classics like, "Feeling' Better, The New South, I've Got Rights, Now I Know How George Feels, etc."  At some point while I'm driving thru the avenues I realize that my mouth is actually watering.  Holy Shit!

I've been quit seven years and my addict brain (that I haven't heard from in years) seemed to recognize it's surroundings and tried to take of advantage of the situation.  Can you believe that shit?  That is the power of addiction and triggers.  After seven years of glorious quit, that nasty bitch popped up out of nowhere.  She didn't even dent my resolve.  In fact, I actually laughed out loud in my truck all by myself.  I cranked up the volume and smiled.  Not today, bitch.  Not today.

If you are new to your quit, do not underestimate your addiction triggers.  The triggers are just as real and just as dangerous as your addiction.

My dad's doing fine.  He's in his mid eighties and he doesn't have a lot of years left.  But, it's going to take more than a broken hip to do him in.

Stay frosty, and stay quit.
Huge congrats on 7 years @kybo   Proud to quit with you.
A great reminder to quits both young and old. She's always lurking waiting to pounce.

Congrats on 7 years and I wish your dad a full and speedy recovery!
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29th FL: 04.02.24 | Comma 3x: 07.11.24 | 31st FL: 10.19.24 | 32nd FL: 01.27.25 |

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Offline Keith0617

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Re: Kybo
« Reply #196 on: January 07, 2025, 06:44:07 PM »
Day 2558

Seven years of quit!

My dad fell and broke his hip a couple weeks ago.  The poor guy is still in the hospital doing physical therapy after the surgery that he had on Christmas Eve.  Needless to say I have been making several trips two hours each way to my old hometown to stop in and see him and make sure my mom is doing okay at home alone.  I moved away 35 years ago and when I do go back to visit I don't usually go anyplace except my parents' house or maybe a nearby restaurant.  They live out in the country so I haven't really driven thru the actual town in 35 years.  The hospital that my dad is staying in is right in the heart of downtown.  So, I have been driving in several times a week and traveling thru areas I have not seen in decades.  Why am I telling you this?

I am telling you this to reiterate how important it is to change your habits and remember your triggers.  I am one of those guys that is set in my ways.  I am not a huge fan of change.  I still listen to pretty much the same music that I listened to 35 years ago.  Hank Williams Jr's albums from the 70's and 80's are pretty much the soundtrack to my life.  So, as I am rolling thru neighborhoods that I haven't seen in forever, my truck stereo is cranking out classics like, "Feeling' Better, The New South, I've Got Rights, Now I Know How George Feels, etc."  At some point while I'm driving thru the avenues I realize that my mouth is actually watering.  Holy Shit!

I've been quit seven years and my addict brain (that I haven't heard from in years) seemed to recognize it's surroundings and tried to take of advantage of the situation.  Can you believe that shit?  That is the power of addiction and triggers.  After seven years of glorious quit, that nasty bitch popped up out of nowhere.  She didn't even dent my resolve.  In fact, I actually laughed out loud in my truck all by myself.  I cranked up the volume and smiled.  Not today, bitch.  Not today.

If you are new to your quit, do not underestimate your addiction triggers.  The triggers are just as real and just as dangerous as your addiction.

My dad's doing fine.  He's in his mid eighties and he doesn't have a lot of years left.  But, it's going to take more than a broken hip to do him in.

Stay frosty, and stay quit.
Huge congrats on 7 years @kybo   Proud to quit with you. 

Offline kybo

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Re: Kybo
« Reply #195 on: January 07, 2025, 01:58:10 PM »
Day 2558

Seven years of quit!

My dad fell and broke his hip a couple weeks ago.  The poor guy is still in the hospital doing physical therapy after the surgery that he had on Christmas Eve.  Needless to say I have been making several trips two hours each way to my old hometown to stop in and see him and make sure my mom is doing okay at home alone.  I moved away 35 years ago and when I do go back to visit I don't usually go anyplace except my parents' house or maybe a nearby restaurant.  They live out in the country so I haven't really driven thru the actual town in 35 years.  The hospital that my dad is staying in is right in the heart of downtown.  So, I have been driving in several times a week and traveling thru areas I have not seen in decades.  Why am I telling you this?

I am telling you this to reiterate how important it is to change your habits and remember your triggers.  I am one of those guys that is set in my ways.  I am not a huge fan of change.  I still listen to pretty much the same music that I listened to 35 years ago.  Hank Williams Jr's albums from the 70's and 80's are pretty much the soundtrack to my life.  So, as I am rolling thru neighborhoods that I haven't seen in forever, my truck stereo is cranking out classics like, "Feeling' Better, The New South, I've Got Rights, Now I Know How George Feels, etc."  At some point while I'm driving thru the avenues I realize that my mouth is actually watering.  Holy Shit!

I've been quit seven years and my addict brain (that I haven't heard from in years) seemed to recognize it's surroundings and tried to take of advantage of the situation.  Can you believe that shit?  That is the power of addiction and triggers.  After seven years of glorious quit, that nasty bitch popped up out of nowhere.  She didn't even dent my resolve.  In fact, I actually laughed out loud in my truck all by myself.  I cranked up the volume and smiled.  Not today, bitch.  Not today.

If you are new to your quit, do not underestimate your addiction triggers.  The triggers are just as real and just as dangerous as your addiction.

My dad's doing fine.  He's in his mid eighties and he doesn't have a lot of years left.  But, it's going to take more than a broken hip to do him in.

Stay frosty, and stay quit. 
"No regrets, that's my motto. That and everybody Wang Chung tonight."
"That's what's great about the outdoors, you know. It's one giant toilet."
"i thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya" -- Stevie Ray Vaughan

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Offline kybo

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« Reply #194 on: February 12, 2024, 01:27:07 PM »
DAY 2228

I lost another childhood friend last week to a massive heart attack.  He wasn't a tobacco user and overall he lived a pretty healthy lifestyle.  It appears he was just an unlucky victim of genetics.  One can only wonder how young he might have gone if he had been a heavy tobacco user.   

Did you know that 3-6 years after quitting tobacco use your risk of coronary heart disease drops by roughly 50%?  After 15 years of being quit your risk of coronary heart disease is close to that of someone who never used tobacco.  I'm beyond that 6 year mark and I definitely feel healthier now than I did 10 years ago.  Making the decision to quit was difficult, but it was definitely the right decision.  I only wish I had done it sooner.

If you are here thinking about quitting, I highly recommend you give quitting a try.  What do you really have to lose if you quit?  You say you enjoy it?  You say it makes you feel good?  The addict in me used to make me use those same excuses.  But here I am 2228 days later and I can honestly admit to myself and everyone else that it wasn't really me spewing all those excuses.  It was the addict in me that was doing everything it could to keep me feeding the addiction that had taken on a life of it's own.  I realize that now.   

Oh sure, that first week of trying to quit sucked big time.  Headaches, insomnia, rapid heart beat, etc.  It took about 30 days before I actually started to think I had it beat.  After about 4 months I was sure I had made the right decision.  And now here I am over 6 years later with absolutely zero regrets about quitting.  The cravings have been completely gone for years.  The only battle I have left is to remind myself daily that I am an addict and I cannot give in to complacency.  I know I am incapable of having just one dip. 

By my calculations I have saved over $10,000 just from not buying tobacco over the last six years.  God only knows how much money I have saved from reduced health care expenses over that time frame or how many years I have added to my life.  The benefits are too great to calculate.

I feel good and I am starting to think that I might actually live to see retirement.  My wife and I bought 40 secluded acres of rolling hills and woods a couple weeks ago.  When I took her out to see the property for the first time before we bought it we walked up over a ridge and she saw a flock of about 50 turkeys running on the ridge across the valley from where we were standing.  I could tell just looking at her face in that precise moment that I wasn't going to have give her a sales pitch to convince her we should buy the property.  It was a done deal as soon as she walked over that ridge.  I couldn't have paid those turkeys to put on a better show for my bride.  It was meant to be.  And I know exactly where I am going to build the house.

I have lost a few friends over the last handful of years.  I have another friend that was lucky to survive a series of strokes in his forties, but he is now in his early fifties and resides in an assisted living facility.  My only sibling died at the ripe old age of 51.  The older you get the more you look around and realize that you don't get to live forever.  That roller coaster we call life is going to come to a stop one day.  It stops for everybody eventually.  So, make the most of it.  Raise your hands in the sky and scream with joy as loud as you can every chance you get.  Take the time to look around and enjoy the view when you get to the top of those hills.  And give a hand up to the other riders whenever you can.

"No regrets, that's my motto. That and everybody Wang Chung tonight."
"That's what's great about the outdoors, you know. It's one giant toilet."
"i thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya" -- Stevie Ray Vaughan

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Offline Athan

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Re: Kybo
« Reply #193 on: April 11, 2023, 04:27:21 AM »
DAY 1908

1908 seems like such a huge number.  But, when I think about it in terms of how long I have actually been quit, it really doesn't feel like it has been that long. 

778 days is the number of days I have left before I could retire from my day job with my full pension.  That seems like a huge and daunting number until I compare it to the 1908 days I have been quit.  I don't plan on retiring in 778 days, but it sure will feel good to know that I will have that option in a little more than 2 years.
I'm hoping the acreage won't seem a chore once I'm retired and the time is mine. We'll see. Better figure something out as I can't see myself in a condo.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
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Offline Stranger999

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Re: Kybo
« Reply #192 on: March 30, 2023, 12:45:56 AM »
DAY 1908

1908 seems like such a huge number.  But, when I think about it in terms of how long I have actually been quit, it really doesn't feel like it has been that long. 

778 days is the number of days I have left before I could retire from my day job with my full pension.  That seems like a huge and daunting number until I compare it to the 1908 days I have been quit.  I don't plan on retiring in 778 days, but it sure will feel good to know that I will have that option in a little more than 2 years.

Just don't retire from quitting.   :)

As we stack up the days, nicotine gets further and further back in the rear-view mirror.  But keep your guard up because you never know when a craving will come.

Offline kybo

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Re: Kybo
« Reply #191 on: March 29, 2023, 10:42:56 AM »
DAY 1908

1908 seems like such a huge number.  But, when I think about it in terms of how long I have actually been quit, it really doesn't feel like it has been that long. 

778 days is the number of days I have left before I could retire from my day job with my full pension.  That seems like a huge and daunting number until I compare it to the 1908 days I have been quit.  I don't plan on retiring in 778 days, but it sure will feel good to know that I will have that option in a little more than 2 years.

"No regrets, that's my motto. That and everybody Wang Chung tonight."
"That's what's great about the outdoors, you know. It's one giant toilet."
"i thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya" -- Stevie Ray Vaughan

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Offline kybo

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Re: Kybo
« Reply #190 on: February 14, 2023, 01:42:40 PM »
DAY 1865

Life is Good. 
Embrace it. 
Seize the day.
Wake up tomorrow and do it again.   

"No regrets, that's my motto. That and everybody Wang Chung tonight."
"That's what's great about the outdoors, you know. It's one giant toilet."
"i thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya" -- Stevie Ray Vaughan

HOF date: 4/16/182nd Floor: 7/25/183rd Floor: 11/02/184th Floor: 2/10/195th Floor: 5/21/196th Floor: 8/19/197th Floor: 12/7/198th Floor: 3/16/209th Floor: 6/24/2010th Floor: 10/02/2011th Floor: 1/10/2112th Floor: 4/20/2113th Floor: 7/29/2114th Floor: 11/7/2115th Floor:  2/14/2216th Floor:  5/25/2217th Floor:  9/2/2218th Floor:  12/11/2219th Floor:  3/21/23

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Re: Kybo
« Reply #189 on: September 03, 2022, 05:50:10 AM »
Day 1700

Been a rough week.  My 16 year old labrador had a seizure and I had to put her down on Tuesday.  One of our supervisory employees turned in a two week notice on Monday.  And our Controller screwed up and none of our employees got paid today.

But, I am still quit.  I got that going for me. And I only have 986 more days until I can retire on a full pension.  Yes, I am officially counting the days until I have the option of retirement.  I am that many days old now.
Life happens. Quitters stay quit. The lucky ones have you in their corner. STILL enjoying the ride.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer

Offline Keith0617

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Re: Kybo
« Reply #188 on: September 02, 2022, 09:18:58 PM »
Day 1700

Been a rough week.  My 16 year old labrador had a seizure and I had to put her down on Tuesday.  One of our supervisory employees turned in a two week notice on Monday.  And our Controller screwed up and none of our employees got paid today.

But, I am still quit.  I got that going for me. And I only have 986 more days until I can retire on a full pension.  Yes, I am officially counting the days until I have the option of retirement.  I am that many days old now.
So sorry about your dog. I can relate well. Life happens but I am proud to be quit with you today.

Offline kybo

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Re: Kybo
« Reply #187 on: September 02, 2022, 08:20:47 PM »
Day 1700

Been a rough week.  My 16 year old labrador had a seizure and I had to put her down on Tuesday.  One of our supervisory employees turned in a two week notice on Monday.  And our Controller screwed up and none of our employees got paid today.

But, I am still quit.  I got that going for me. And I only have 986 more days until I can retire on a full pension.  Yes, I am officially counting the days until I have the option of retirement.  I am that many days old now.
"No regrets, that's my motto. That and everybody Wang Chung tonight."
"That's what's great about the outdoors, you know. It's one giant toilet."
"i thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya" -- Stevie Ray Vaughan

HOF date: 4/16/182nd Floor: 7/25/183rd Floor: 11/02/184th Floor: 2/10/195th Floor: 5/21/196th Floor: 8/19/197th Floor: 12/7/198th Floor: 3/16/209th Floor: 6/24/2010th Floor: 10/02/2011th Floor: 1/10/2112th Floor: 4/20/2113th Floor: 7/29/2114th Floor: 11/7/2115th Floor:  2/14/2216th Floor:  5/25/2217th Floor:  9/2/2218th Floor:  12/11/2219th Floor:  3/21/23

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Re: Kybo
« Reply #186 on: May 25, 2022, 12:37:45 AM »
16 floors bro... get on keepin on... way to go Kybo!!!!
Be humble... grow everyday.

I fear I will always be chasing the vortex like a drug. None will be as special as my first hit.


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Re: Kybo
« Reply #185 on: January 10, 2022, 12:41:53 AM »
Day 1462

Four years ago today I was sitting on my couch watching television.  My wife and kids left to go shopping for the day and I decided to pop in a chew as soon as they left.  I flipped through the channels and settled on a documentary about Stevie Ray Vaughan.  There was an interview with Stevie in the documentary where he was talking about his battle with addiction.  He said, ""I thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya."

That quote just resonated with me.  I had been "trying" to quit tobacco for months by gradually reducing the size of my chews and making an effort to chew less and less each week.  In reality, all I was doing up to that day was prolonging my withdraw symptoms and losing the battle with addiction each and every day.  But what Stevie said in that interview somehow spoke to me.  In that instant I knew that I had been at the party way too long.  It was time for me to quit.

I got up off the couch and spit my chew out.  That was my last chew.  Four years ago today.  I have won my battle with addiction 1,462 days in a row since that fateful day.
Proud to quit with you brother. Congrats on 4 years @kybo

That's a great story. Congrats on 4 years.

Offline Keith0617

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Re: Kybo
« Reply #184 on: January 07, 2022, 12:20:17 PM »
Day 1462

Four years ago today I was sitting on my couch watching television.  My wife and kids left to go shopping for the day and I decided to pop in a chew as soon as they left.  I flipped through the channels and settled on a documentary about Stevie Ray Vaughan.  There was an interview with Stevie in the documentary where he was talking about his battle with addiction.  He said, ""I thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya."

That quote just resonated with me.  I had been "trying" to quit tobacco for months by gradually reducing the size of my chews and making an effort to chew less and less each week.  In reality, all I was doing up to that day was prolonging my withdraw symptoms and losing the battle with addiction each and every day.  But what Stevie said in that interview somehow spoke to me.  In that instant I knew that I had been at the party way too long.  It was time for me to quit.

I got up off the couch and spit my chew out.  That was my last chew.  Four years ago today.  I have won my battle with addiction 1,462 days in a row since that fateful day.
Proud to quit with you brother. Congrats on 4 years @kybo 

Offline kybo

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Re: Kybo
« Reply #183 on: January 07, 2022, 11:59:40 AM »
Day 1462

Four years ago today I was sitting on my couch watching television.  My wife and kids left to go shopping for the day and I decided to pop in a chew as soon as they left.  I flipped through the channels and settled on a documentary about Stevie Ray Vaughan.  There was an interview with Stevie in the documentary where he was talking about his battle with addiction.  He said, ""I thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya."

That quote just resonated with me.  I had been "trying" to quit tobacco for months by gradually reducing the size of my chews and making an effort to chew less and less each week.  In reality, all I was doing up to that day was prolonging my withdraw symptoms and losing the battle with addiction each and every day.  But what Stevie said in that interview somehow spoke to me.  In that instant I knew that I had been at the party way too long.  It was time for me to quit.

I got up off the couch and spit my chew out.  That was my last chew.  Four years ago today.  I have won my battle with addiction 1,462 days in a row since that fateful day. 

"No regrets, that's my motto. That and everybody Wang Chung tonight."
"That's what's great about the outdoors, you know. It's one giant toilet."
"i thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya" -- Stevie Ray Vaughan

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