We own who we are, we do not ask to be judged, we do not turn away those who seek the support, we hold those accountable for their actions, like they requested by becoming a member.
Life is about choices, I made the choice to quit, and I will make that choice to quit every single minute of the rest of my life. Why because I choose to pick up a tin, instead of cigarettes. That is the choice I made 11 years ago. I am enough of a fucking man to stand by my choices, and ask for support. I am not asking for forgiveness for my own bad choices, I am seeking to forgive myself.
When you rush to the defense of those who broke the KTC law, it insults everyone that follows the law. This does not work because it contains shades of gray in which the weak, feabable minded people can hide behind broken promises to say to the world I am a member, therefore I am doing something to quit. This is built on the premise that it is black and white. Either the nic bitch is bending you over her knee and spanking you like the NY Giants do every time they play the pats, or your spanking the nic bitch like Regan spanked the Cremlin.
Do me a favor and save your sunshine, and rainbow bullshit for someone that believes your cheese whiz ass smells like roses. I know I used a lot of big words and accurate historical facts that will not be believed or validated by Wikipedia or yahoo questions. I may be a quitter but I can think for myself. Do you know what that makes me? A fucking Titan of Quit.
Damn I was angry, still feel the same way, though. Thinking about what it takes to quit and how much effort at times this takes. This sure as hell is easier now than, back then. But it still requires effort and commitment. Cheesewhiz ass roflmao
I saw somebody yesterday state that days 1-100 are sacred.
Incorrect. Every day quit is sacred.
It's not always easy. It's not always hard either. Hell, most days now I can lean on a simple roll post to get through the day. Occasionally, I need to reach out just to rekindle some fire. But, mostly, I stay active to stay quit. It's simple...but not always easy.
I have shifted my life over the past 640 days to live from a place of moral accountability. I have an ethical duty to be successful in all I do. I am accountabile to God, my family, my brothers and to myself to give everything to everything I do. There is no making time for this or that. When I am successful, there always is time. When I have a lack of time, I know I need to work harder in some aspect.
I trip, stumble and fall short on a daily basis, except with my quit. This is my place of success. I know at the end of the day, I will always have 1 thing I succeeded at, I stayed quit. That is more than many people have. It has become a point of pride for me. I can day that I am quit for ___ days. That always make me stand tall. At the same time, I know how quickly it can go away.
I find myself trying to apply KTC to life, but it always falls short. I think it has more to do with the commonality here and geninous of our purspose vs the human element of "real life."
One day at a time, every damn day, of my life.