Author Topic: It Is Time  (Read 24801 times)

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Offline BrianG

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Re: It Is Time
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2018, 03:37:42 PM »
There is never just one- by kcah

I am going to share my story of my first quit, take it for what you will.

After chewing for years while in the military, the day I got out I left the can behind. I had not been to the US in about 6 years and i was looking to settle down, i was going to be home every night, and I sure didnt need that habit. So I walked away. Didnt chew before the military, wasnt going to chew after.

Years went by, YEARS without chew, I never missed it.

One day a buddy from the military showed up with a can of chew, he had moved back to town. At first I was strong, but at some point, some point I don't even recall I took one from him. I dont know how long it was till I was buying my own cans again but it couldn't of been more than a week. This was about 7 or 8 years ago.

Since then I was back to a can a day habit until I found this website because my gums were so fucked up I couldn't take it anymore.
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Re: It Is Time
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2018, 03:36:00 PM »

Want vs Decision

So what happened to those that disappeared to never be heard from again? While we can't be sure of a cave, it is possible that they just didn't want this bad enough. For those of you who are left: How bad do you want to quit? Because your success is predicted with perfect accuracy from the true answer to that question. Most of my 33 years dipping I strongly "wanted" to quit. If quitting's a strong "want" in your life- you will fail. It may not be today, it may not be next week, you may make it to your HOF day and beyond, but eventually you will cave. For those of you in this category- no advice you receive is going to be effective over the long term until you decide to shut the door on nicotine. Until you make the decision that you will pursue a lifestyle of quit. Go look at the cancer pics, do some research on what big tobacco has done over the years to keep you as their about Tom and Jenny Kern. go over to and read some of the stories there. Do whatever it takes to get you to the point of closing the door on nicotine. While we can give advice on how to quit, we cannot close the door for you. That, dear reader, is up to you.

If you are truly sick of this stupid addiction, really sick of being the lackey of big tobacco, sick of worrying about cancer, sick of hiding your addiction from others, and you want this quit more than anything else..and you drink the KTC kool aid - you will succeed- guaranteed. The program is foolproof:

Post Roll
Honor your promise for today

One last thing: Quitters find a way to quit. Caver's find a way to cave.

Be a quitter.
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

Offline BrianG

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Re: It Is Time
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2018, 03:34:53 PM »
30yrAddict --

30 the Roll Nazi:

You might be wondering why the emphasis on posting first thing in your day? Remember that your roll post is a promise not to use nicotine for just one day.....also know that your addict mind is always trying to get a fix of nicotine. Your addict mind is an expert on rationalization....For example : "I didn't post roll yet, so I'm really not breaking a promise by having just one....I can just quit tomorrow again..." Shut the door on your addict mind- post up first thing.

The other aspect of posting roll early and every day is that it is an investment in your accountability...if I post whenever I feel like it, nobody is going to pay attention when I am missing, whereas if I post every morning, it is going to raise a warning when folks don't see my post by the afternoon. I want my inbox blown up by dinnertime if I don't post...don't you?
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

Offline BrianG

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Re: It Is Time
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2018, 03:34:02 PM »
30yrAddict --

A Word to Those That Know More than the Vets

Imagine that you are standing in front of a minefield...on the other side of that minefield stands a soldier...not only has he walked that minefield safely, but he has guided thousands of others through that minefield safely as well.. He hails you from the other side and offers to guide you across safely...

do you:

a) tell him he is well meaning but really doesn't know shit about minefields


b.) shut  up and listen  to what he has to say, treading the path of thousands of others before you.

one way guarantees you safe passage, Why tread a new path?

drink the kool aid...drink long. drink deep.

Don't be a casualty.
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

Offline BrianG

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Re: It Is Time
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2018, 03:33:05 PM »

Is Posting Roll Enough?

So you've got a handle on how the site works, right? Post roll, honor that promise, that all it takes? Technically, yes that is all it takes- if you do those three things every day without fail, you will quit for the rest of your life one today at a time- except -it doesn't seem to play out that way for many folks....That program is the foundation, the cornerstone of the program here. It is the bare minimum. That's the problem right there- people who do the bare minimum for their quit tend not to stick with it over the long haul. I can tell these people right away- they are the ones that you almost never see here as they are only here long enough to post roll. Those are the folks that you have to PM and/or use multiple posts to get their attention, because they don't even take the time to scroll down to find out what happened to their quit brothers/sisters throughout the day....hell they don't even look over the roll they are posting in to see what others are going through. I am pretty convinced I could change the header to "December Druids in Favor of Clubbing Baby Seals to Death" and they would come in, hit the quote button post their roll and leave... These people contribute nothing to the site- they are just a name followed by a number. Just as they were on the site they tend to just fade away into oblivion...and when they are gone, nobody really notices...sometimes they come back and post a day 1...usually it doesn't matter though. Because they usually just do the same thing all over roll, leave the site quickly, fade away....

Then there are those that "get it". Those that understand the more they have invested in their quit, the better. Those that post roll every day and then build on it with developing accountability by exchanging numbers, reading the treasure chest of knowledge that is found throughout the site, by stepping up an helping other quitters- those are the people who stay quit.

Is your quit worth more than the bare minimum? If it's not- I predict a cave in your future. Post Roll, Honor Your Promise, Repeat. Exchange Numbers, Read, Take the time to help quitters new and old. Invest in your quit.
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

Offline BrianG

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It Is Time
« on: September 17, 2018, 03:03:57 PM »
Posted 19 Jan, 2017. 

It is time. Everything has a time and my time with dipping has come to an end. I have dipped for 35 years+. I messed around with tobacco at a very young age and by the time I was 15 it was an everyday habit. I can remember when a can of skoal fine cut could be bought for 40 cents. If only it was $5+ back then, I would have never started.
It is time. I turned 50 a few weeks back. I dont care about the number as far as age goes, I know I can still hang. I care about the number only as it pertains to my tobacco addiction. It puts the light on a 35 year habit. I said I would never go past 20 years...well, never past 25 years....well 30 years will be time to quit. I have done very little to keep it from becoming 40 years. It is Time.
It is time to keep the promise to my 16 year old daughter that I made many years ago. Daddy will quit for you. She does not know of this at this point, but I will let her know that I finally quit lying to her.
It is time to put the poison down and get on with my life. My wife and I have made plans over the years of how we will live our retirement years. Not fair to her for me to be playing Russian roulette with my life.
It is time

He who has a why can bear almost any how.