BrianG --
I dipped Skoal Fine Cut Wintergreen for 35 years. It was nothing to go through a can a day for me. Today I posted 477 days quit. First I just want to say everyone should quit right now. Cold turkey, never again for any reason. If everyone would quit, that would be great. Saying that, I am writing this so the older guys will read it. The guy who has been dipping for 20+ years. The guy who really doesnt enjoy it as much, but still does it because quitting is tough.
I am sure you are like I was when I would buy a can(s) of dip. I need to quit this stuff, I am tired of it. What a waste of money. Maybe after these cans are gone, then I will quit. You know that as soon as those can(s) were gone, you were back at the store buying more and making those same promises to yourself. I am here to tell you that it is time. Time to do what we all know is the right thing.
If you have dipped this long, then I know you have had that scare multiple times, you know the one. The one where your heart skips a beat because you think you just discovered you have mouth cancer. A new bump in your lip, white patches on your tongue. Some tickle in your throat that seems to not be getting better. These things used to worry me sick. Am I the only one that would grab the flashlight and head to the bathroom mirror and start looking for cancer? Since I have been quit, I dont think that way anymore. Will my 35 years of abusing myself with tobacco cause me issues in the future? I pray not, but I know that I did the right thing in quitting now. No regrets.
If you had the power to see the future and you knew the next dip was the one that would cause the cancer to start growing, would you take that dip? I think most of us would fight like hell and do whatever it took to keep tobacco out of our mouths. Of course we do not have that power, but we do know that at some point, enough is enough. Us 20+ year guys cant be dancing with the devil and not expect something bad to happen. You can read stories of guys with less time than that developing mouth cancer. When I was dipping, no way could I look at pictures of mouth cancer or even read about it. Since quitting, I have allowed myself to view some of these pictures and read about people going through the treatments. Let me tell you, I ain't going out that way...Hell NO. It is just gruesome to read about. You think it will be easier to quit while you are going through chemo treatments? This is real.
You are on a site that helps people quit using nicotine and reading this, so you must agree that you have had enough. Now you are trying to figure out how to do it. First thing is to know that you do not have to do it alone. Knowing that there were guys and gals here going through the exact same thing I was made this doable. I tried on my own and failed. I came here and went all in. I wanted to quit bad. You have to get yourself to that point and then do what it takes. If a vet tells you to post roll everyday, then you post roll everyday with no questions asked. If a vet says you post early in the morning, then you post early in the morning. This site has worked for many people. It will also let you down if you are not committed to being quit. No magic pills here. You have to quit for you and you have to determine that failing is not an option. When you get to that point and you leave the ego at the door, you too can quit this addiction. You can learn what it feels like to truly be free from nicotine. I have had 477 days of my adult life nicotine free and I wish I was smart enough to quit a long time ago. The freedom is so worth it.
Read everything you can on this site. Get your game plan together. Determine that no matter how bad I feel while quitting, tobacco will never be an option again. I can promise you 2 things if you decide to quit. Promise 1, this will be hard. There will be times that you will question yourself. I say this to you, nobody has ever died from quitting tobacco. You can do it! Promise 2, You will not regret quitting. It took me about 225 days or so to really feel good and not think of tobacco. It may be shorter for you or maybe longer, but when you do reach that point, you will never look back with regret. Hopefully you will reach out like I am doing here and try to help the next guy who is trying to figure out how to quit.
Let today be day 1 of your quit...