Author Topic: It Is Time  (Read 24817 times)

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #81 on: May 12, 2017, 02:11:00 AM »
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

Offline BrianG

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #80 on: May 05, 2017, 05:44:00 PM »
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

Offline BrianG

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #79 on: May 05, 2017, 05:42:00 PM »
Ready speaks


Afternoon my May Brothers!

Should I stay or should I go now,
If I go there will be trouble,
If I stay it will be double.
So you gotta let me knowwwwwwwwwww!
Should I stay or should I go!

This is my opinion based on my own experiences. Some of you have read most of this before from me and others. This is not directed at anyone in particular but is meant to opine upon a general subject which is in the limelight at this stage of most groups.

I've seen this conversation a few times. It's not unusual. There are varying reasons why it gets brought up. I think one of the reasons is because people want to be cured. I get that. Hell, who doesn't want to be cured of such a horrible addiction. And if I'm being honest, you have every right to feel any dam way you want or need.

You guys showed up and did what needed to be done. You fought the hard fight and through this entire shit show of a battle you did it! You won! TODAY. You quit for today. You posted roll today. You gave your word of honor for today.

Then you hit the HOF! That was the goal. You stuck it out and paid the price and you want a reward! I get that. Some think their reward should be that they can slow down and stop fighting! That's not how it works and deep down most know this. But man you can't help but getting the TGIF feeling, can you. I can't deny it, it feels great when you've put in a hard week at work and it's 4:55PM on Friday afternoon. But come Monday where are you going to be? Yep, back at work.

Freedom. That's your reward. You must admit, it is 1000% worth it or you would not be here. And you also must admit that if you were not here, your chances of being quit are reduced considerably.

In the end, you must decide what your freedom is worth to you. Is that fleeting feeling of thinking you have won so you can simply walk away worth the risk of another five, ten or twenty years of being a slave of a can a day? I can't answer that for you.

It will not always be as difficult as the first 100 days. That is the truth. At some point quitting will be quite easy for you for the most part. Sure, there will be bad days. But they will be fewer and farther apart. But you must keep quitting. And you quit by doing what worked. And what worked was posting roll every day and keeping your word. Doing anything different can and does lead to being a slave.

P.S. Your quit is first and foremost. Period. You can't quit for others, they must do the heavy lifting. That's not to say you can't help where you can, but it's not your fault if someone makes a decision contrary to your beliefs.

NAFAR! Whatever it takes.

You can do this!
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #78 on: April 30, 2017, 09:53:00 AM »
Quote from: BrianG
Tired of always trying to find this stuff...

Skoal Monster Roll Posts
Skoal Monster Intro
30's quit resources
30's intro
Some great resources, no doubt
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

Quit: 7/10/15, HOF: 10/17/15, 2nd Floor: 1/25/16, 3rd Floor: 5/4/16, 1 year: 7/10/16 4th Floor: 8/12/16, 5th Floor: 11/20/16, 6th Floor: 2/28/17, 7th Floor: 6/8/17, 2 years: 7/10/17, 8th Floor: 9/16/17, 9th Floor: 12/25/17, Comma: 4/4/18, 3 years: 7/10/18, 11th Floor: 7/13/18

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #77 on: April 30, 2017, 01:58:00 AM »
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

Offline BrianG

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #76 on: April 30, 2017, 01:34:00 AM »
Tired of always trying to find this stuff...

Skoal Monster Roll Posts
30's quit resources
30's intro
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

Offline BrianG

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #75 on: April 29, 2017, 05:47:00 PM »
We all finally made it to the coveted 100 day mark in our quit. At some point, we all set the goal of ridding ourselves
of tobacco. We are all well on our way of doing just that. We must keep in mind that in reality, we have just started.
We are not at the end of the goal, but we truly are just at the beginning. I like to think of the first 100 days as
the training part of our goal. We were given the knowledge of how to reach our goal. We were tested over these last
100 days. The ones here now passed all those test. We have completed training. Now we are being sent out to apply the
lessons that we learned in these 100 days. Every one of us knows what our limits are. Some can live life normal and
never have a problem again with the temptation of using tobacco. There are others who will struggle for quite sometime
and be tempted to give up on their goal. Make no mistake, there is going to come a time when you are going to be tested
again. It is at these times that we must remember our training. I stated earlier that with our large group of Hall of
Famers, we will likely have at least one guy come back and post a day 1 at some point. Maybe in the next 100 days or
maybe it is much longer. Hopefully we can all reflect on that over the next few days and truly be honest with ourselves--
Is that going to be me? My answer is, I do not know. I have been reflecting on this for some time. Will I fail at some
point? My first response is no, but this is where we have to dig deep and really reflect and be honest...It could be me.
Since I cannot be 100% certain that it can not be me, then I must post roll everyday. I have to keep posting until I can
answer the question honestly. I have to keep posting until I can say with all conviction that it will NEVER be me.

Just my thoughts on why I will be posting roll for the foreseeable future---Carry on...
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #74 on: April 27, 2017, 03:04:00 PM »
Quote from: ChickDip
congrats on your HOF day BrianG!
from early on you just "got it" and then did it and quit it.
Not easy but simple.
proud to quit with you today and EDD.
Cheers to 101!

and anyone new or used.... this guy gets it.

Congrats on 100 BrianG! You're killing it buddy!

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #73 on: April 27, 2017, 02:17:00 PM »
congrats on your HOF day BrianG!
from early on you just "got it" and then did it and quit it.
Not easy but simple.
proud to quit with you today and EDD.
Cheers to 101!

and anyone new or used.... this guy gets it.

July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
"I am quit... for today... with you... but not FOR you" ~LBP
"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

my intro / my HOF speech / my comma club
Building a Strong Quit / My HOF Day

Offline BrianG

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #72 on: April 18, 2017, 05:30:00 PM »
I wrote this on Day 24 of my quit to Robcat's intro who was expressing what I had felt. Wanted to capture it here because I came to realize that I may have been writing it to myself just as much.


Hey Robcat, I come in peace. Read through your intro and I can relate to the anger and rage. I think we all can. I am day 24 of quitting and not going to lie, it sucks. I dipped for 35 years. Came to the conclusion that it was time to be done. Stop dancing with the devil. I am sure that we are similar in that we both have tried to quit before. My experience has not been good. What I have found out over these 24 days is that I need people around my that understand what it is like to give up something that I love doing. Something that has me by the balls and does not want to let go. I need people around me that understand I am pissed...raging anger...and even more pissed that I am not even sure why I am pissed. I have snapped at my wife for no reason at all. Makes me a prick. I have learned how to use the guys in my group to rage on and not my wife. She appreciates that. In order for that to happen for you, I encourage you to get as many phone numbers from people that you can. In the first few days, i did not understand. By day 7, I had 3 or 4 numbers and would text back and forth both good and bad. It helped me get through the days. Now at day 24, I have 16 or 17 numbers in my phone. Some I text everyday. I have texted them all at some point and most have texted me back. I have personally talked to 4 of them on the phone over the last week. Couple times to help me and a couple times to help them. I dont pretend to understand why posting roll every morning helps, but it does. I have 60 something people in my april group that I promise everyday that i will not use tobacco. Again, not sure why, but no way I am going to let them down.

I hope you find in short time that you feel the same way about posting roll. I think I read on here that someone said take what you need and leave the rest(The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down?). I agree. You will find some assholes on this site, no doubt. You will also find some really good guys. I ask you to reach out to some guys and get their number and start building a support group that you feel comfortable with. These will be the guys that help you to keep your promise to stay quit. You just have to ask me and my numbers are yours.

I wish you luck and hope that you quit today and get up and do it again tomorrow....
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

Offline BrianG

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #71 on: April 18, 2017, 02:06:00 PM »
Day 91 -- 13 Weeks

Day 91 and feeling OK. Ya, the feeling great has passed. Last week was a week of tough mental games going on in my head.

I posted this on Day 87, In Part...

"Man, My mind has been going to strange places lately. I have tried to keep a positive spin
on my quit for the last week or so, but it is becoming more of a struggle. A few have asked me how
the quit is going and i automatically say fine. If I just stay positive maybe these thoughts
will go away. They are not. That guy that talks inside my head keeps saying things like we did
this quit thing long enough. We should just buy a 1 can and prove that we can quit again after
that. We have a better chance of being killed in a car wreck that getting cancer. We all have
to die from something. These thoughts have been going through my head A LOT lately. I think I
am strong enough in my quit to stay the course, stay quit, but the thoughts are not going away.
I told you all that I took tobacco off the table and it is no longer an option, but that guy
in my head is relentless."

These are the thoughts that have always led to caves in the past. I would talk myself into buying a
can based on these arguments. The difference this time is this site. I have been educated by reading this site
to know that these thoughts will pass. This voice in my head may be there for quite some time. I just have to be
tough enough to ignore him. Having the accountability to these guys is what makes this possible.

The Quit Continues.
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

Offline DonkeyMN

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #70 on: April 04, 2017, 01:53:00 PM »
Good win man! Like you said, it is important to have a plan in place before you go out in those situations... This summer will provide a few more for us all, you got this man!

Give your buddy a slap on the back from me, he did well for ya 'oh yeah'
To remain quit requires focus
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Offline BrianG

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #69 on: April 04, 2017, 01:27:00 PM »
Day 77 --11 Weeks

Day 77 and feeling pretty good. Was put to the test yesterday and it went well. Went to opening day baseball game between the Texas Rangers and The Cleveland Indians...Bad guys won. Anyway, lots of friends, food and beer. I drank my share of the beer. My plan was to let a couple guys know about me quitting and just to help me out if they saw like I was up to no good. I brought a can of smokey mountain along just in case. There were some guys around dipping and that was ok. I must have been staring a little too much while one guy put some poison into his mouth because my buddy walked up and asked if he could punch me in the face now. Anyway, it just goes to show that we can still have a good time with friends and a few beers and leave the tobacco alone. Just have a plan before it all starts...Good Win!!
He who has a why can bear almost any how.

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #68 on: March 24, 2017, 08:44:00 AM »
Non-quit related, but sort of quit related... I turned off the tv when Arizona went up 6, thinking they had won. I shoulda kept watching...

Offline BrianG

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Re: It is Time
« Reply #67 on: March 24, 2017, 12:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Conecrusherman

Keep up the great probably don't know this but you are a major reason I am still reached out to me and gave me your digits even though I was not in your group.

I will be forever grateful

Quit on brother!
That support has gone both ways. If all goes right, we will always be 7 days apart in our quit. Quit on brother!!
He who has a why can bear almost any how.