Ready speaks
Afternoon my May Brothers!
Should I stay or should I go now,
If I go there will be trouble,
If I stay it will be double.
So you gotta let me knowwwwwwwwwww!
Should I stay or should I go!
This is my opinion based on my own experiences. Some of you have read most of this before from me and others. This is not directed at anyone in particular but is meant to opine upon a general subject which is in the limelight at this stage of most groups.
I've seen this conversation a few times. It's not unusual. There are varying reasons why it gets brought up. I think one of the reasons is because people want to be cured. I get that. Hell, who doesn't want to be cured of such a horrible addiction. And if I'm being honest, you have every right to feel any dam way you want or need.
You guys showed up and did what needed to be done. You fought the hard fight and through this entire shit show of a battle you did it! You won! TODAY. You quit for today. You posted roll today. You gave your word of honor for today.
Then you hit the HOF! That was the goal. You stuck it out and paid the price and you want a reward! I get that. Some think their reward should be that they can slow down and stop fighting! That's not how it works and deep down most know this. But man you can't help but getting the TGIF feeling, can you. I can't deny it, it feels great when you've put in a hard week at work and it's 4:55PM on Friday afternoon. But come Monday where are you going to be? Yep, back at work.
Freedom. That's your reward. You must admit, it is 1000% worth it or you would not be here. And you also must admit that if you were not here, your chances of being quit are reduced considerably.
In the end, you must decide what your freedom is worth to you. Is that fleeting feeling of thinking you have won so you can simply walk away worth the risk of another five, ten or twenty years of being a slave of a can a day? I can't answer that for you.
It will not always be as difficult as the first 100 days. That is the truth. At some point quitting will be quite easy for you for the most part. Sure, there will be bad days. But they will be fewer and farther apart. But you must keep quitting. And you quit by doing what worked. And what worked was posting roll every day and keeping your word. Doing anything different can and does lead to being a slave.
P.S. Your quit is first and foremost. Period. You can't quit for others, they must do the heavy lifting. That's not to say you can't help where you can, but it's not your fault if someone makes a decision contrary to your beliefs.
NAFAR! Whatever it takes.
You can do this!