756/267 108 weeks of freedom!
Just like 2 weeks ago, spending time with the pre-hof groups.
Seeing a lot of late posts, and some missed days.
This does not bode well early in a quit.
Plenty of late posters in the ABQ and plenty of missed days from those same people, but they are all over 2 years quit now.
Does not stop me from making sure I WUPP, but if they stay quit even with late posting, staying quit is the name of the game at this point.
Those pre-hof groups though need to build that routine, take the time first thing in the morning to make that promise. Just as early if not earlier than the first dip of the day used to be.
Without that routine, complacency will slip in and nicotine may well own them again shortly.
I am constantly amazed at the addict mind. The sheer volume of people who wind up here at KTC that think they know how to do what we do better than the program already in place. Make connections, make your promise early, keep your damn word. Its not a hard system once you have made the decision to quit for yourself. Making that choice is the tough part, staying quit just takes making a promise and keeping your word. Once you have made your promise, do anything it takes to keep your word. Do anything else besides consuming nicotine.
Post(and keep your damn word)
Really doesn't get any simpler if you are a man or woman of your word that actually wants to be quit.
Stop trying to quit and just QUIT