Holy cow. 500. Half dangle. Never thought I'd get here, and you know what I love the most?
Today is just a day.
I mean - I'm going to celebrate, I like the milestone and all. That's just icing on the cake, though.
The real celebration is that today's just another day. Dad's still sick, but getting better. Oldest daughter got her driver's license yesterday. The two youngest are finishing up school in a few weeks. The sun is shining, so I'll get a nice walk in today. I'll make some progress at work, hang out and punch some friends at Hapkido tonight, then come home and snuggle the kids and the wife and write a bit.
All without nicotine.
It feels great, and I couldn't have done it without you all.
Thank you, whoever you are reading this. You're part of my quit, and part of the reason I've stayed free these last 500 days.
Thank you for helping me be a better me.