Humbled again. "Thanks" is such an incompetent word for all of you. I am Blessed to be in your company.
I am halfway to a comma, the 1,000, the Full Dangle, sure, but that's not my destination. I have no real destination, it's never-ending, infinite. I'll be on this road for the rest of my time here on this earth. Hopefully it will be a long stretch, since I don't feel I've done what I was put on this earth to accomplish as of yet.
Thanks to everyone who kept me from falling or jumping off the ledge. So many I have crossed paths with, higher day count, lower day count, doesn't matter, it has left me with something, it's all made a difference.
As I look back, While I was here at the KTC, I hope....
I hope I helped someone gain a few extra years.
I hope, when I did the right things, it helped someone.
I hope, when I did the wrong things, it helped someone.
I hope I said the right things and used the right words, all at the right time, to bring someone into their own quit.
I hope I was there for that one person at the very time it was crucial for them to hear what I had to say.
I hope I supported someone just enough so they could stand on their own quit in a strong way.
I hope, I really hope I saved a life, because coming to KTC and the people here did that for me and saved mine.
Peace. Strength. Love. CAB. LBP.