16 Nov 2016, 01:06
Day 50 (ish)
Technically I'm posting this way freaking early on day 52.
Half a HoF, bitches.
The flood of texts, fb messages, pm's, chat messages, etc. flooded me all day with congrats about my 50 days.
I woke up early that morning with a crippling migraine. I sent a few texts out saying that I was sort of alive and planning on posting roll but I wanted to do it myself because, hey, you know 50 days.
FIFTY days. It's hard to believe that fifty days has come and gone since I joined KTC.
It seems like yesterday and it feels like years.
50 days and I feel like I've started to scratch the surface of my quit and myself. I've learned some good things, I've learned some maybe not so good things about myself.
I've learned more about my bipolar and anxiety- triggers, ideas, thought processes that I didn't know I didn't have figured out, if that makes sense.
I've made friends on here. Some in particular that I owe my quit to just as much as my stubbornness and self perseverance. Some of these people have made their mark on me and I will never be the same because of them- for good reasons.
The fog is pretty much done with. I get spacey sometimes, but the crushing fatigue isn't there anymore. Now it's just regular work related bullshit.
Cravings are manageable. Oddly enough, I want to smoke way more than I want to chew, which is a battle I didn't expect.
The medication and dosage battle is ongoing...somedays my meds are enough, somedays they aren't and I use my phone as a lifeline to text people and not stay buried under the covers.
This quit has definitely taught me how to suck up my feelings of pride and to ask for help when I need it. It took me a long time to not feel like sending a text to a fellow quitter was “weak”. Even now I feel like I'm burdening others when I need a boost, need the help. I'm stubborn. I was taught to keep my feelings in. This....has been an experience for sure.
Today was one of those days. Two hours into my day starting, it took a dive into the shitter. Sent me reeling into a panicked frenzy. I held it together. Got on chat. Had some laughs. Texted a few people privately. Kept it all in. Until I got home and probably broke Verizon with the flood of texts I shot out.
You know what? The world didn't shatter because I needed to talk and ask for help.
Late late tonight (really, early this morning) I received two different messages from two different people in my quit group (after I got shit faced drunk and went on chat), both telling me I was strong, that they looked up to me, and that they drew strength from my quit. That, my friends, means it all.
If there is someone that you looked up to in your quit, someone that you drew strength from, tell them. Please. I don't care if it makes you feel like a pussy. They need to know.
When I first joined, I didn't know what to expect from myself or KTC. Figured I'd give it a try, see how it went, and if it didn't work, I'd just fade away into invisibility in internet world.
How wrong I was.
No fading into obscurity here. Not when the halls of accountability are all around you. Nice job on your quit!
You're not going anywhere. Drown yourself in accountability (as you have) and you will walk that road to success and freedom.
Proud of you, Gurl.
Thanks for posting this and congrats! I learned from it and have felt the same way - particularly about sucking up pride and ego.it really is one of the cornerstones to a successful quit. Thanks for quitting with all of us you are an inspiration