28 Sep 2016, 12:43
So I've officially just hit day three and im back to work in my tractor. I miss it. I tossed all my spit bottles that I had left in the cab, there's no cans to where I can get to them (two other people on my current crew also chew, as well as my husband).
My mouth still hurts from the tooth extractions, eating is hard because of it, etc. So I'm in pain, hungry for food that's not soup, and just plain cranky. I know it'll get better, I have to make this get better but I'm pretty down in the dumps. Being bipolar isn't helping, but the meds I have to take do take the edge off.
You are doing the hard work right now and that is a good thing. I used to lose teeth to rot as well and I know it was because I was dipping. That stuff does a lot of damage to your teeth and gums. Since I have stopped dipping I don't get those extractions anymore. It is going to just suck for a while so you'll have to hang in for the ride. When you come out the other side you will feel much better about yourself. As your mouth heals get anything you can to keep the shit out of your mouth. I used seeds and gum to get me through. They seem to help a lot to stop the oral fixation that exists. Others here use the fake chews like Smoky Mountain and Jakes chew. There are tone of them out there. I think there is a review section here somewhere.
Don't equate being down in the dumps with quitting tobacco. It does not have the ability to pull you out of the dumps, and only the ability to put you back in them through the slavery of addiction to nicotine. In your situation with people dipping around you, you are going to have to develop a large amount of hatred of big tobacco and a mighty sense of humor thinking about all of the brown stained shirts, pants, and long strings of spit coming out of everybody's mouths... Look it all sucks for all of us to be addicts, but that is what we are. We have to learn to live with that and alter our lives to at least no longer be slaves to nicotine.. Hope this helps... doc2
I agree with what Doc says. Those first few days are going to suck but we all know you can do it because we've all done it. You really will feel much better knowing you are no longer a slave to that stuff. Think of all the time you're going to be able to enjoy things because you're not always thinking about dip. Think about no longer getting griped at by the dentist (if you even go, I know I didnt). Think about that money saved to spend on whatever else you want. There are lots of reasonstuff to stay quit and everyone's is different but always remember there is no reason to go back. Dip does nothing for you other than temporarily put off withdrawal. We can come up with lots of excuses as addicts but they're all terrible and completely unjustified. I quit with you today!
Welcome to Freedom, Harvestgirl. I'll tell you this much, the integrity of quitters on this site will burn into your own quit. It's powerful, that promise, everyday. It saved my butt many a time. One day at a time (ODAAT), I quit with you, Sister!