Author Topic: My Intro Post  (Read 6852 times)

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Offline gentgeen

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Re: Gentgeen's (Not really an intro) Intro Post
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2018, 08:52:29 AM »
One more keeper from my original intro:

Plan That Quit

So I just wrote a post directed at someone who has limited access to a computer, and no cellphone. Just prior to this I was having a discussing with a pre-HOF group about what to do when you are out enjoying life, and have little to no cell service. Although I did not recognize it RIGHT away, I see that both scenarios are really lead to the same thing.

So in both cases, and really - for your overall quit - you need to have a support plan. Here at KTC we assume you have a cell, and you have other quitters digits. So the assumed plan is "I will post my promise each day, I will get on the forum/live chat and bitch when I feel crappy and I will 'phone a friend' should I need help with my quit" . But what is the back-up plan? What is your plan when you are NOT at your computer and/or without a phone?

So here are the key questions I think you/me/anyone needs to answer when building their own "Support Plan" -
  • "What do I do when I can't post on KTC?"
  • "How can I make my Daily Promise?"
  • "What do I do when I start to feel a cave?"
  • "Who do bitch at when I feel like ripping the world a new one?"
If you can answer these questions, then you got a great plan in place, and you are gonna have a successful quit. Just remember that times change... so your answers on day 5 of your quit may be different than the answers for day 78 and different again for day 279 (my current day).

-- Gentgeen - Day 200+79 IQWYinz all day and every day !

"Some think that happiness comes from getting, others know it comes from giving." --Lord Baden Powell

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Re: Gentgeen's (Not really an intro) Intro Post
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2018, 08:41:53 AM »
Another keeper from my original intro:   (and as a reminder for the old man in me .. PG&M is a term we were using for those people that don't only 'post and ghost' but they post a little, then go missing for a day or more. Then when people post msgs to them, text, other reach outs, they completely ignore them.)

My Open letter to PG&M

Dear Post-Ghost and Missing (PG&M) user,

At some point (usually) in the not to distant past, you signed up for this site. A site that promises to help you quit, as long as you do 2 simple things:
  • While you are ON the site you promise not to use Nicotine
  • Each day, you start your day with a promise, a promise not to use Nicotine that day.
If you do those two things, we promise you will be quit. We have hundreds of people who have come here month after month and done those two little things, and they now are quit. Many of them turn around and try to help the next group out so they too can be quit.

You may or may not be aware, but there are others in you "HOF Group" who are quite literally looking out for you. They are looking for your posts, and they keep track of which days you have and haven't posted. Others are reaching out to you by whatever means they can to see if you are ok, to see if your still quit. These people all want to help you with that quit.

I assume that if you are taking the time out of your day to come onto this site after missing for a few days, you must still be quit. GREAT! At the end of the day everyone here really just wants you to be quit. You seem to be getting the 'do not use' part of the requirement. But why can't you post your promise everyday? Why do you leave these other people wondering about you?

I was a Post & Ghost for a good bit, I get it. I earn a living on the computer, I don't always want to spend free time on it too. And all that BS/hate/trolling in the early days is (are?) not my style. But I did come here every single day to make that promise. I also texted with my 'quit brothers' regularly. I formed that brotherhood that helped to hold me accountable so I could be successful in my quit.

Now maybe you can quit on your own. Maybe you can quit with a Post-It note each morning on the mirror. (Personally I don't care how you do it, I just want you quit). But please help out the others here that are trying to help you. If your gonna stick around, post every damn day (EDD). These methods work, and hundreds of us stand by them. We are living proof of the success. It is worth your time to find a way to post (either on the forum or a pickup request to a brother/sister). You found a way to make time to get a fresh can, you can do this. But please, if you're not gonna post EDD, kindly step aside. I promise we will not take offense.

Quit on, and Quit Strong. IQWYinz
-- Gentgeen
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 08:55:41 AM by gentgeen »
"Some think that happiness comes from getting, others know it comes from giving." --Lord Baden Powell

Offline gentgeen

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Re: Gentgeen's (Not really an intro) Intro Post
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2018, 08:40:50 AM »
A keeper from my original intro:

Just a reflection as I pass my 800 days .....

In the summer of 2017, I took over as the "Lay Advisor" for Order of the Arrow Lodge #57. For those not in scouting, the OA can be a little hard to explain, but in a VERY basic sense, it is a sub-group within the Boy Scouts of America Scouting program, and each lodge covers the entire scout council. This basically means I am now the Scoutmaster for some 2,000 boys across South Western PA / Maryland. It is a big task, and I am honored to have been asked. It is also an amazingly rewarding task.

So why do I bring all that up now... This last weekend was the Section Conclave (a gathering of the 4 OA lodges in our region, which covers ALL of western PA.) It is one of the biggest events a lodge will plan for, and our Lodge was the host lodge this year (i.e. it was held at our camp). So I have spent every weekend for the last 6 weekends at camp, working with an AMAZING group of young leaders ( < 21 yrs old) and advisors ( > 21 yrs old) to help pull off this giant task. In between these weekends I still had my regular job which includes working for a school - so we are are Graduation season :-D.

All this running around, all this crazy scheduling, etc -- I can remember thinking "Boy I really want a dip" once!!!! I went for those tools, I made my promise, and I kept myself clean. I was able to post a +1 the next day. I may have only had a single craving over this time, but I can't count the number of times it passed my mind that I was NOT hiding one in the lip, or that that I did not have to run off for 30 mins to "enjoy" a dip away from these young leaders. The fact that I was able to enjoy each and every second of the past 40+days was such an amazing thing.

I may not have been a perfect 100% poster during this time (I know I missed a number of days due to the camping wknds) -- I may not have been able to do a lot of discussion on the board over this time -- But I definitely thought of KTC over this time!! The friends I have made, the people I have meet, and those that I have yet to meet, you all have helped me reach my 800 days.... My gratitude runs over -- Thank you to each of you and to KTC!
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 08:43:42 AM by gentgeen »
"Some think that happiness comes from getting, others know it comes from giving." --Lord Baden Powell

Offline gentgeen

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Re: Gentgeen's (Not really an intro) Intro Post
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2018, 08:23:37 AM »
« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 08:51:52 AM by gentgeen »
"Some think that happiness comes from getting, others know it comes from giving." --Lord Baden Powell

Offline gentgeen

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Re: Gentgeen's (Not really an intro) Intro Post
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2018, 08:21:18 AM »
So I don't really want to copy/paste all of the old stuff over... so here is the link:
"Some think that happiness comes from getting, others know it comes from giving." --Lord Baden Powell

Offline gentgeen

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My Intro Post
« on: September 19, 2018, 08:20:17 AM »
Copy/Paste from last site:

Hello everyone, my name is Kevin.... and 11 days ago I took my last dip. I had been dipping for some ~35yrs now. (EDIT: ~25yrs - fat fingered it I guess)

Thought for my intro I would (try) and tell a little story of how I got here. I am a computer geek/math guy.. not a writer, so hopefully this isn't TOO bad...  :D

Well for some time now (year? two?) I have been trying to quit. I had gotten myself down to ~2 cans a week. I hit a roadblock, and just could not seem to get myself any lower... some weeks I might go 3 cans, but never seemed to be able to get below that 2 can a week spot. "No biggy" is what I tended to think to myself, at least I got this far. (I tend to be a pretty easy going fella)

That brings me to 'now'... On Apr. 1st (ya, I know, gotta love the timing) at about 10:30am I had 3 teeth removed (Back upper molars). Not really directly related to the dipping, but more to the just not going to the dentist...which in some way prob. was due to dipping as well as 100 other things, but anyway....

So I had my teeth pulled, and spent most the day drugged up, and sore. So I got through my Day 1 by accident - and a lot of pain and a bit of drugs :D.

So Day 2 rolls around, and a I feeling a little better, and I reach for that can after having my (soft) breakfast.... "Wait, you just went a whole day without one, and with very little thought of getting one... lets see if you can do it again" was pretty much what went through my head. Well due to the pain, I kept taking the pills as perscripbed... and those things put me right to sleep. SO I sleep most of day 2.

Now Day 3.... the (tooth) pain is (mostly) gone, so no/only a little pills today.... Now I just want to see if I can keep going with this little "no dips" experiment.... And as I type that I am thinking to myself, "Boy, that pretty much sums up today, and yesterday, and.... "

So here I am ... Day 11 .... proud of my progress so far.... frustrated that it isn't easier.... being amazed that this "haze" I read about is SOOOO F#@% real...... and just like Day 3, I keep thinking to myself "Shoot, I made it this far, lets see if I can go another day"
"Some think that happiness comes from getting, others know it comes from giving." --Lord Baden Powell