I definitely have joined this amazing website long after your time here, but I have to just say, being able to sit here and read your saga, your bitches, gripes, complaints, rambles, and anything your mind thought, had helped me so much today. Day 4 for me has been a tough one for me. Today for the first time in a long time, my dad made me cry, a grown ass man cry. He told me he was proud of my decision to quit, and how much it meant that his grandkids will have their dad. Reading your story and thoughts just reminds me I’m not alone, I’m not the only person, and I thank you. I’m making it my goal to do all I can to help others, because so far from what I’ve read about you and what others say to/about you, you’re one hell of a guy. From one quitter to another, rest easy brother, we’ll keep the quit going.