things I wished I had learned in the first week here
The "tools plus the personal contacts made on KTC are like bullets." They must be loaded with determination, the gun must be aimed accurately and then the trigger must be pulled in order to hit your target.
Building friendships among your quit brothers adds another layer to your quit but it is action oriented and for many it will take you out of your comfort level. It takes time to seek someone out, to get to know them, to share with them and soon trust them. How likely are you to cheat on your friend?
Get outside of yourself and stop focusing only on you. But IÂ’m hurting you say. I reply, go find someone who is hurting more. Find a way to encourage or challenge your brother to take one more step. When you stop focusing on your own pain and help another, two quits are strengthened in the process.
Use the ChatLive room- a whole different environment all together
Exercise coupled with an increase of water consumption, to date, has been one of the best activities to combat the nic bitch. Exercise and water will help flush out the poison we've ingested for years and it is good for every aspect of your quit. The release of the anxiousness, pent up anger or rage with the benefit of dedicated thought time. Start becoming a better man/woman. If the stress and rage becomes too much, log on and vent to your group. Never, and I mean never vent on your family.
WeÂ’re learning to recondition our thought and response methods. ItÂ’s funny how we like to romance our history with nicotine. We had all the same emotional ups and downs we have now. What did nicotine really do ~ nothing. There is no clarity enhancing characteristic in the chemical compound of nicotine, we just associated it and choose to remember it that way.
No fingerprint is identical; neither is the quit for any member here; however, you are joining an organization created by quitters and this site has seen it all. Remember this: “It ain’t personal, it’s about the quit” and in most cases the guys offering you advice are trying to help you so just listen. Your "quit is in infancy stage" so park your attitude and ego. You are not a special butterfly.
This site is based on honor, brotherhood, accountability and success. What are you doing with your quit when no one is watching?