I was told I could vent if I wanted and I am going to take advantage of this courtesy now. I'm on day 9 and the fog has lifted somewhat. Don't think about dipping that often. Chewing gum and Crossfit have been my saving grace. But, I was in a bad mood yesterday. Don't know why. Work was fine and the day went well. I got home and I cooked dinner bc my wife was running late with appointments, my 6th grade son forged his mom's name on a test and lied about it, the dog took a duke on the floor, my 6th grade son was bitching up a storm bc I told him to pull weeds for forging his mom's name and lying about it, the cable bill was $50 more this month than last month, and to top it all off my 10 year old daughter told me that the steak I had grilled better have some pink in it otherwise she isn't going to eat it. I'm not a "blow up" person. I don't yell and very rarely lose my cool. But I had to put the fork and knife down and explain to everyone that for some reason I was a race car in the red and asked for their patience with me. At absolutely no time did I blame my family. At no time did I blame my addiction. At no time did I think "I need to put in a volkswagon and take a crap" which is what I would have done 10 days ago. Any of you guys get in one of those moods? Just pissed for the sake of being pissed? Done venting. Thanks for listening. Stay quit, bitches!