Glad you've come to us Jeepers. Wayne gave you the rundown already, I'm just here to show that we all support you and your decision to quit. As you know, its not easy to do, not in the slightest. My first week was hallucinations and hell. But, i will tell you this, if i had not found KTC, I would not still be nicotine and tobacco free. I would not be at 21 days right now, i wouldn't feel as great as i do now! We are all here for each other. Whether its tough love or calm guidance you need, we've got it and we wont hold back. The only thing we want more than getting new quitters to add to the brotherhood, is to stay quit everyday. Make it your mission each day to reach out to a fellow quitter, get their number or just chat and hear their story. Read the hall of fame speeches. Each day we go without the beast is a day someone else knows they also have the power to. I quit with you brother. Stay strong. we are with you.