Bear with me, y'all. This is about as nostalgic as ole Rad ever gets. I also posted this over in the Random thread, but I felt like updating my mental battle here concerning my friend's field near my house. This tobacco field is maturing rapidly as I drive by it every day. It's hard to put into words for any who didn't grow up in a rural setting, but this is my therapy for today.
Today is Friday, and I was in a particularly good mood as I left home. Comfortable temp, nice tunes on the XM, cold OJ in hand, truck windows down, V8 rumbling happily as I began the 18 mile rural commute to work. Everything was right. They just topped this young patch, so the smell of the fresh buds wafted through the truck as I approached. Nostalgia from my youth gripped me and before I knew it, I had parked and was just standing there in the field. I leaned on the truck bumper, stood there in the calm morning air, and watched the sun rise over this field of deep green. It was quite a beautiful thing.
The devil in disguise.I recalled the carefree summer mornings as an early teenager when I'd experience these same senses before starting the harvesting day. It was a simpler time. No worries except making a few bucks. No responsibility. Lots of laughs. Serveral friends by my side. Worked hard, played hard. Then the current reality came back to me. No matter how serene and beautiful, that right there is my fiercest enemy. I was staring peacefully at a field of deadly plants that poison, kill, and wreak havoc on the human body. It has taken dear family members from me, and ruined my own health for near 20 years. It threatens to draw in my children.
Love, hate, beauty, serenity, nostalgia, relaxation, fear, pride, shame......... all of them were there.
Thanks for the memories, but 'Finger' .