1609 days quit.
OK, so I let the last few milestones slide by with no posts here, but this is noteworthy. When I first found KTC, I would have bet my next paycheck that this place would have been a distant memory by now, but here I am. IÂ’m still posting and still quit. If any newer folks are reading this and wondering what the future holds, stop wondering and just go with it. Post today and forget about tomorrow.
Do I still need to be here at this point? Isn’t my quit strong enough to make it alone? I don’t know for sure, and I don’t intend to find out. There has been a change in my mindset at this point. KTC isn’t just about quitting anymore. At this point, it’s like any other social media site. My friends are here. Their life events are here. They count on me to be here. Now, some people will argue that this place is just a virtual house and no “real” friends will ever come of it. That’s where you’re wrong. I can prove that with one picture.
Savannah 2015 - group photoThat photo was taken this past Saturday (my 1607th quit day) at the 4th annual Savannah, GA quitter get together. Every person in that photo is a KTC quitter, and every one of them is a friend. Some of them IÂ’ve known longer than others, and there are bonds that I never knew would form. That picture represents a total of 23,126 days of quit right there in one spot. Accountability does not exist in a stronger form than that.
Brothers and sisters, if you have not made real friends here, then you are not fully engaged. If you have not been to an organized meet to break bread with other quitters, then you are leaving some accountability on the table. Either way, you are missing out on part of what makes this place so great. I encourage all of you to build some bonds and make some waves on this site. I don’t use the word awesome very often, but I can honestly think of nothing else to describe it. To stand with 17 other folks from all walks of life and get along great due to the one common battle we’re fighting, to hear the similarities in the quit stories, to cast all differences aside, and to bond as brothers and sisters separated by thousands of miles – that is something that just cannot be explained.