Days 51-56
First, let me use this media to dispel a common misunderstanding between what people commonly understand as chili and Cincinnati "chili" (i.e., Skyline or Gold Star chili). In a nutshell, to be concise, or bottom-line up front: no rational person can compare the two chilies. This is because Cincinnati "chili", whether it is Skyline or Gold Star, is merely chili by name only. For you people out there who get aggressively offended because this isn't real chili well it's like getting upset that a pineapple is not an apple. They are fruits, but they're "apples" by name only.
Ok, with that said. Das Quitt is going well since my parents left to return to their home in Florida. I can say that I've enjoyed no visits from the crave monster; although I have thought fleetingly about it. I've no problems in my mouth, throat, etc. - feeling good at Day 56.
I am just about a week over 50 and my life as a QUITTER is getting to be routine. With every QUIT day that passes, I get more and more excited that I'm QUIT and returning to normal. For the last several years I've spent some time people watching and wondering how they could go through their day without a dip, but I couldn't. I thought to myself, over and over, "why do I need to use this stuff when I do 'x' activity?" And "no one else is using this stuff, why do I need to?" I secretly wanted to quit, but I never had the balls, confidence, or accountability. I'm glad my wife found this site over 50 days ago, I think it's saving my life. The people here gave me/are giving me the balls, the confidence, and accountability necessary to QUIT and remain QUIT.
For everyone, remember the crave monster, and its brother cave, are tough; they are bastards and they've got a chainsaw ready to shove up your ass if you're not attentive to das Quitt. Stay focused on das Quitt, embrace das Quitt, value das Quitt, and enjoy das Quitt today and the days to come.