Author Topic: Das Quit  (Read 4224 times)

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Offline MichaelsNewLife

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #38 on: August 04, 2010, 04:15:00 PM »

"If you are attractive enough on the outside, people will forgive you for being irritating to the core."
HOF: 17-JUL-2010

I am saved by God's grace and I am quit through His strength, courage, and power.

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Offline MichaelsNewLife

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #37 on: August 03, 2010, 07:33:00 AM »

"The journey of a thousand miles sometimes ends very, very badly."
HOF: 17-JUL-2010

I am saved by God's grace and I am quit through His strength, courage, and power.

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Offline MichaelsNewLife

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #36 on: August 02, 2010, 07:24:00 AM »
"Let's agree to respect each other's views, no matter how wrong yours may be."
HOF: 17-JUL-2010

I am saved by God's grace and I am quit through His strength, courage, and power.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Offline MichaelsNewLife

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #35 on: July 30, 2010, 07:30:00 AM »

"There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots."
HOF: 17-JUL-2010

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Offline MichaelsNewLife

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #34 on: July 28, 2010, 04:31:00 PM »

"The only consistent feature of all of your dissatisfying relationships is you."
HOF: 17-JUL-2010

I am saved by God's grace and I am quit through His strength, courage, and power.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Offline bigbamadan

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #33 on: June 29, 2010, 04:13:00 PM »
Mike, MOA

check out this post....I know it may seem like forever and a day, but nonetheless something to keep in mind
12 Years
Quit: 3/23/10
All good things in all good time.

Offline allec

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2010, 04:01:00 PM »
Everyone who has quit - be it on day 3, 30, 130, 300, 1000, or 3000 is one bad decision away from posting up another day 1.

Don't let the 500 day or 1000 day cavers throw you off. Maybe they got disconnected from the site, or lost focus on their quits, or simply gave up.

The truth, I am convinced, is as follows:

1. This is the most effective and lethal delivery system for one of the most addictive substances known to man.

2. All of us made a choice, years or decades ago, to start using nicotine.

3. 80 days, 121 days, or wherever we are is probably a small fraction of the number of days we abused. For me, about 800 days (over 2 years) give or take will be only 10 percent of the time I used nicotine.

4. All of us made a choice to quit. Looking at the fraction of time quit versus time used, it stands to follow that it it going to take some time for the craves to go away.

5. Most importantly, we need to be patient and take a very long term view of this.

6. We have the power to fight craves. It may get old, it may get frustrating, and I cannot tell you when they will go away with regularlity, but the truth is if we stick with this long enough and without fail say NO to the question "Do we want a dip" that the craves will go away. When? I don't know, but stick around long enough and I will.

We have some quitters approaching 2,000 days - loot, iuchewie, and some others. I bet they would gladly answer a PM with the question.

I am annoyed at craves, but I am at peace that they will happen. Don't let the long term screw up today.

Offline minuteofangle

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2010, 03:24:00 PM »
I feel ya Mike. About the vets caving, I was expecting numerous guys in my HOF class caving along the way before the HOF. But I was caught off guard by some 400 - 500 day guys. I can gut it out for a while, but if it doesnt get better after a couple of years, I guess we really are fucked. I know that I am no better than any other individual on this site. I know that I too could cave. And it scares the shit out of me too. I guess the answer is just dont cave today. Good job on 82 days. I look foreward to your HOF speech. MOA

Offline MichaelsNewLife

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2010, 03:04:00 PM »
Day 82

Eighty-fucking-two days and counting fuckers. I really had a monster of a fucking crave on Sunday night - but without thinking too much of it I beat that motherfucker down. Is the crave monster getting tired of such beatings?? What I've noticed as I move forward with my quit is that each day builds one more row on my "quit wall" making it easier to keep the crave monster at-bay. As I continue to do things in my life without chew, it's easier to do them without chew. This is one reason why I don't use the fake snuff. I would neither consider using that shit nor would I advocate the use of that fucking shitty-shit shit.

Although the guilt remains...I can't seem to get it off my back. No matter how sorry I am for using tobacco and lying about it, the guilt of it all creeps into my soul (all the time) and I feel like shit. Even though I know the Lord has forgiven me and I feel fantastic without chew (and it's been so long since I felt this way that I thought how I felt before was normal), the guilt fucks with me and also leads to those stupid fucking thoughts of "why not one more". Or, "you're almost at 100 days, you obviously can quit, just use the tobacco for a little while longer, you can just quit later - you obviously can do it". Yeah, and I don't want to quit later (because I have cancer) - I want to BE QUIT NOW.

One thing has scared me recently; again a previously quit person for over 500 days caved. This has happened twice in my 82 days here. This fucking scares me, what makes me think I can do this forever? If the crave monster fucks with them so much that they cave at 500 days, I don't stand a chance. However, those were only two people - out of how many that have quit??? I think I'll be just fine - but it scares me and may be that's just what I need to remain vigilant in my quit. Keep thinking about it - keep on keeping quit.

I can't believe I've gone this far. I'm 18 days until I'm a HOF'er. My wife wants to celebrate this, I want to too, however why should I celebrate something that never should have been in the first place? I don't want to celebrate that I haven't been a loser, dipper the last 100 days - I guess I want to just forget that I ever was a stupid fucking loser dipper. But I can't - I can't lose sight of my quit like that. If I do, I may fall prey to the crave monster. Fuck that - fuck that fucking motherfucker of a crave fucking monster!! I won't let him get me. I guess a celebration would be nice - I should get a cake!!
HOF: 17-JUL-2010

I am saved by God's grace and I am quit through His strength, courage, and power.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Offline MichaelsNewLife

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2010, 02:10:00 PM »
Day 76

Today I woke up pissed. I had a fucking dip dream and it really made me mad. In my dream had bought some chew, used about half the tin, and when my wife saw me doing it the feeling of dread because I wasted 75 days of quit was incredible. I literally felt a hole begin to open and my quit days slowly flowing out...escaping me. It really sucked...and I hate those dreams. But I guess the dreams remind me how viligant I need to be, how much I value my quit, and how deeply I want this quit.

The anger I have for myself for using tobacco is beginning to wane. However, the anger I have for myself for lying to my wife and family for so long hasn't. No matter what I do, I can't seem to shake the guilt I feel. I hate the fact that I can't be trusted; not just by my wife but I can't trust me either. Not yet anyway. I hate the fact that I have to live with this fear of cancer...I hate the fact that I have this fucking crave monster inside of me whispering lies into my ear now and then. Although the fucker hasn't been around as much, when it does come it comes with some friends and I need a much bigger stick now. But I've been working out lately and I am much stronger than the crave monster, even with his fucking friends, and my stick is always bigger.

Until the next Day - das Quitt lives and is practiced here.
HOF: 17-JUL-2010

I am saved by God's grace and I am quit through His strength, courage, and power.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Offline MichaelsNewLife

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #28 on: June 18, 2010, 07:40:00 AM »
Day 70

Fuck yeah bitch…I’m at Day 70!! I can’t believe it, really. Seventy fucking days of das Quitt my friends; that’s 59 more days than I thought I would ever do. I have my wife, this website, and the big stick I carry around to fend off the crave monster to thank. Oh yeah, that “big stick” is a compilation of gum, gummy worms, and working out.

ItÂ’s a little weird at times because I almost have to remind myself that I use to be an addict (i.e., tobacco user) now and then. As I progress deeper into das Quitt, things are getting much easier. Life is good.

I like to read the posts of those who are in the Pre-HOF for August and September. I look at the numbers they are posting, remember how it was when I was posting a 12, 20, 24, or 34 days of quit...boy those times sucked. But know that it gets so much better as you progress each day. Find those things that motivate you and use it to beat down that fucking crave monster. Also, I like to help those who are struggling with the quit. Sending words of encouragement to them, and if need be, letting loose of some nic rage on their asses.

Fuck I feel good - - - -

Day 57-69

Nothing has really gone on for the last 14 days, just vigilant with das Quitt. I havenÂ’t had much to say about anything so I decided not to post anything. The crave has significantly diminished, even as compared to just days ago. ItÂ’s like I beat that fucking crave monster down so bad when my parents were here itÂ’s afraid of coming back. I like this.

Oh no, I did have one episode one Saturday afternoon while I was out grocery shopping. ThatÂ’s right I remember now, it was actually a real terrible craveÂ…but I beat that fucker down so bad I wonder if itÂ’s still licking its wounds from that.

It's nice to get to a place where even if you have a really, really bad craving - you forget about it later. It does get better...just takes time so be patient.
HOF: 17-JUL-2010

I am saved by God's grace and I am quit through His strength, courage, and power.

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2010, 01:26:00 PM »
Quote from: MichaelsNewLife
Days 51-56

First, let me use this media to dispel a common misunderstanding between what people commonly understand as chili and Cincinnati "chili" (i.e., Skyline or Gold Star chili). In a nutshell, to be concise, or bottom-line up front: no rational person can compare the two chilies. This is because Cincinnati "chili", whether it is Skyline or Gold Star, is merely chili by name only. For you people out there who get aggressively offended because this isn't real chili well it's like getting upset that a pineapple is not an apple. They are fruits, but they're "apples" by name only.

Ok, with that said. Das Quitt is going well since my parents left to return to their home in Florida. I can say that I've enjoyed no visits from the crave monster; although I have thought fleetingly about it. I've no problems in my mouth, throat, etc. - feeling good at Day 56.

I am just about a week over 50 and my life as a QUITTER is getting to be routine. With every QUIT day that passes, I get more and more excited that I'm QUIT and returning to normal. For the last several years I've spent some time people watching and wondering how they could go through their day without a dip, but I couldn't. I thought to myself, over and over, "why do I need to use this stuff when I do 'x' activity?" And "no one else is using this stuff, why do I need to?" I secretly wanted to quit, but I never had the balls, confidence, or accountability. I'm glad my wife found this site over 50 days ago, I think it's saving my life. The people here gave me/are giving me the balls, the confidence, and accountability necessary to QUIT and remain QUIT.

For everyone, remember the crave monster, and its brother cave, are tough; they are bastards and they've got a chainsaw ready to shove up your ass if you're not attentive to das Quitt. Stay focused on das Quitt, embrace das Quitt, value das Quitt, and enjoy das Quitt today and the days to come.
dude for some stupid ass reason I have been a lifelong Reds who has lived in NJ all my life. unfortunately my fandom has been passed down to my two sons, the younger one being fanatical. hopefully the tide is turning and our pain will be eased.

ANYWAY, we watch the Reds on the dish all the time. WE FUCKING LOVE those Cincinnati commercials. Skyline chilli? Goldstar? that shit rules!!!!!! We miss Bronson singing this year. What was that for? JT something or other??????

We do not like Penn Station Subs though even though that's not a Cincinnati company it appears to be more of a mid-west kind of thing. East coast subs in the midwest i don't think so.

but chilli? you got it down, son.
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

Offline allec

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2010, 08:12:00 AM »
Quote from: MichaelsNewLife
Days 51-56

First, let me use this media to dispel a common misunderstanding between what people commonly understand as chili and Cincinnati "chili" (i.e., Skyline or Gold Star chili). In a nutshell, to be concise, or bottom-line up front: no rational person can compare the two chilies. This is because Cincinnati "chili", whether it is Skyline or Gold Star, is merely chili by name only. For you people out there who get aggressively offended because this isn't real chili well it's like getting upset that a pineapple is not an apple. They are fruits, but they're "apples" by name only.

Ok, with that said. Das Quitt is going well since my parents left to return to their home in Florida. I can say that I've enjoyed no visits from the crave monster; although I have thought fleetingly about it. I've no problems in my mouth, throat, etc. - feeling good at Day 56.

I am just about a week over 50 and my life as a QUITTER is getting to be routine. With every QUIT day that passes, I get more and more excited that I'm QUIT and returning to normal. For the last several years I've spent some time people watching and wondering how they could go through their day without a dip, but I couldn't. I thought to myself, over and over, "why do I need to use this stuff when I do 'x' activity?" And "no one else is using this stuff, why do I need to?" I secretly wanted to quit, but I never had the balls, confidence, or accountability. I'm glad my wife found this site over 50 days ago, I think it's saving my life. The people here gave me/are giving me the balls, the confidence, and accountability necessary to QUIT and remain QUIT.

For everyone, remember the crave monster, and its brother cave, are tough; they are bastards and they've got a chainsaw ready to shove up your ass if you're not attentive to das Quitt. Stay focused on das Quitt, embrace das Quitt, value das Quitt, and enjoy das Quitt today and the days to come.
Friend, I was just having fun with you. But I will tell you this - if one of the side effects of your quit is....irregularity....the brand of chili I call chili can cure that, very, very quickly.

Offline MichaelsNewLife

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2010, 07:41:00 AM »
Days 51-56

First, let me use this media to dispel a common misunderstanding between what people commonly understand as chili and Cincinnati "chili" (i.e., Skyline or Gold Star chili). In a nutshell, to be concise, or bottom-line up front: no rational person can compare the two chilies. This is because Cincinnati "chili", whether it is Skyline or Gold Star, is merely chili by name only. For you people out there who get aggressively offended because this isn't real chili well it's like getting upset that a pineapple is not an apple. They are fruits, but they're "apples" by name only.

Ok, with that said. Das Quitt is going well since my parents left to return to their home in Florida. I can say that I've enjoyed no visits from the crave monster; although I have thought fleetingly about it. I've no problems in my mouth, throat, etc. - feeling good at Day 56.

I am just about a week over 50 and my life as a QUITTER is getting to be routine. With every QUIT day that passes, I get more and more excited that I'm QUIT and returning to normal. For the last several years I've spent some time people watching and wondering how they could go through their day without a dip, but I couldn't. I thought to myself, over and over, "why do I need to use this stuff when I do 'x' activity?" And "no one else is using this stuff, why do I need to?" I secretly wanted to quit, but I never had the balls, confidence, or accountability. I'm glad my wife found this site over 50 days ago, I think it's saving my life. The people here gave me/are giving me the balls, the confidence, and accountability necessary to QUIT and remain QUIT.

For everyone, remember the crave monster, and its brother cave, are tough; they are bastards and they've got a chainsaw ready to shove up your ass if you're not attentive to das Quitt. Stay focused on das Quitt, embrace das Quitt, value das Quitt, and enjoy das Quitt today and the days to come.
HOF: 17-JUL-2010

I am saved by God's grace and I am quit through His strength, courage, and power.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

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Re: Das Quit
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2010, 02:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Bucknuts
This is my first time on the site...I've been dipping a can a day for 15 years and really need to "kick the can" I know it's ultimately up to me to quit but I'm looking for any help or suggestions to ease the transition to a dip free life.
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