I've been dipping off and on for the past nine years but pretty much every day for the last six. I could never enjoy long cut so pouches are my thing... especially the Skoal Xtra Rich (I know, not "hardcore"). My first dip and for a long time was Copenhagen Black.
I almost always have a dip in in the car and in my woodshop so going to the shop will be difficult these first few days and luckily, my commute isn't long (just long enough for a dip) so I should be able to handle that craving OK.
When I started dipping heavily, I was in grad school and under a lot of stress. Oddly enough however, I was also a nationally ranked triathlete. Now though, I am out of shape, thirty pounds heavier, and trying to have a family so I need to get my health in order for myself, wife, and future kids. I want to be around. My dad quit smoking when I was born and I look up to him for that... I want to do the same.
I plan to be pretty active on this site; the advice is great and everyone is super friendly. I don't think its a stretch to say this site is saving lives, relationships, and lots and lots of money for people.