Author Topic: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!  (Read 2893 times)

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Offline Jlud007

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #29 on: October 28, 2013, 07:16:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
I certainly appreciate you finding this and seeing what a few of us had to say. I respect the fact that you owned up and realized that you let more people down than you initially thought. I also hope that all of this serves as a reminder to all that they should check more than just the Quit Groups when they log on.

I hope that you can learn from this because you now owe yourself a HOF speech once you get there. I am convinced that it is possible but you need to make it happen this time.

Let me tell you brother, you lifted me up today. I have had a bit of a funk following me around today and you blew some of it away. I'm letting you know this so that you can see what an impact you can have on your quit brothers. I log in and a guy who I had written off, stands up, admits his mistake and ready to move forward with new vigor. I hope you get involved with your group, big group over there in Jan, can always use more leaders.

Quit with you today!

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #28 on: October 28, 2013, 07:02:00 PM »
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
The Ducks don't allow losers..... 'finger point'
But Sparrow is no loser and is very welcomed back here in my book.

Way to stand up, brush off the dirt and dig back in for the fight.

Hell, I will quit with you.

Stand strong with me as I hit HOF tomorrow buddy.
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #27 on: October 28, 2013, 06:52:00 PM »
I certainly appreciate you finding this and seeing what a few of us had to say. I respect the fact that you owned up and realized that you let more people down than you initially thought. I also hope that all of this serves as a reminder to all that they should check more than just the Quit Groups when they log on.

I hope that you can learn from this because you now owe yourself a HOF speech once you get there. I am convinced that it is possible but you need to make it happen this time.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline Sparrow

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2013, 05:59:00 PM »
Just going to jump right in...

The day after my cave (story towards the end), I was in denial that my "little" fuck-up did not constitute a cave. Ha...addict. I convinced myself for nearly two days that I didn’t cave and continued to post roll. But, once the dust settled and I came clean to my wife, I knew what I had done. I lied to myself again, and I started to lie to my wife again. That was not a spot I wanted to be in...again. No matter how much I believed that my fuck-up was a one-time deal and I was not going to go buy another tin, I did not want to keep that secret from her ever, ever again. It wasn’t easy to tell her. Yeah, she was upset and disappointed, but she was supportive, firm and honest with me. I felt good about coming clean. And then she helped me realize my denial...explaining that “little” fuck-up just tossed my 93 days out the window and I was back at day 2. I even tried to make excuses: “Restarting will make it even easier to use again!” I thank her that she responded strongly. Had she not, the addict in me may have buried that little secret, and the good part of me would be sick with guilt as I posted day 100 on October 26th...adding another skeleton to my closet. I don’t need any more of those, and (at that point) I was really proud that I made the right choice and didn’t lie.

The next day I knew what I had to do. I came clean to Duathman on KTC. He had sent me a PM with the HoF questions I needed to answer for my imminent day 100, so I asked what I needed to do. He was supportive but firm...explaining the process of the three questions. “No problem!” I thought. I was ready for my fresh start. And, a lot of you who have reached out, called me out were right...I took it all for granted. I didn’t even think about the fact that I had lied to all of you as well by continuing to post roll. The pledge I took with my old Duck Fips...betrayed. Yeah, that part definitely did hit home, and I honestly was very embarrassed at my failure and hoped I could move on without letting all of my brothers down.

Denial. Addict.

I wrote my post and threw it up with hopes I could join my new group and that was that. Never realized the communication going on under this thread for the past week until a couple hours ago, hence my silence. Guess I am more of a forum newb than I thought. Denial?

Cutting to the chase, I now realize the gravity of my actions and the lack of respect on my part for the relationships and accountability on this site. I offer up my sincerest apologies to all of you. I realize that trust is built, and I didnÂ’t just tear that tower down...I dug a big ass hole and buried the fuckinÂ’ pieces to rebuild it. IÂ’m not looking for acceptance - just a chance for your fellow addict here to prove his integrity to you.

I want to thank those of you who called me out. Today...reading all of this...really helped tear me down. I truly needed that.

I want to apologize directly to the October 2013 Duck Fips. You guys still badass enough to be able to call yourself one...congratulations on your HoF, and sorry for my lies and betrayal. You guys helped me through the hardest part of my quit and for that I thank you.

Lastly, I want to do a better job at answering the three questions.

1. What happened? Well, I was back home in Indiana at a diesel truck pull at my hometown’s county fairgrounds. I knew there was going to be chew there...and a hell of a lot of it. I went into the situation a little too cocky. “Shit, 93 days down...I am good.” Let my guard down, drank more beer than I should have given the situation and temptation, and had one dip from one of my buddies within the last 20 minutes of the night. Fucking stupid. It even tasted fucking bad. Think I maybe kept it in for 5...10 minutes tops. Pissed it all away.

2. How did it happen? Like I mentioned, I did not prepare myself. I didn’t remind myself that the nic bitch doesn’t give a fuck about how many days you quit for. I didn’t say ahead of time, “Maybe it would be better to not drink since you know you are going to be around all of your buddies who dip without your wife to knock some sense into you.” Or, “Maybe you should be ready to text or call your wife or some of your quit group buddies because they are the ones who really support you.” I also tend to be really good at blocking bad thoughts out, and it was not hard for me to not think about everyone I was letting down...especially myself. Addict.

3. What am I going to do differently? [1] IÂ’m not going to go into another situation where I know there will be temptation without a plan. In fact, I am going to avoid those situations altogether. That was the first time the temptation and alcohol was there in my 93 days that I did not have my wife to keep me strong and hold me accountable, and I did a really shitty job at preparing for it. [2] I am not going to even think to rely on my addict friends to not give it to me. I now know that they will every time that I ask for it, so be the fuck ready. [3] IÂ’m going to be honest and open about it. Talk about it every day. Post roll. Read othersÂ’ threads. Reply to them. Get engaged with the KTC community. Do a way better job the second time around than the first. [4] I am going to take my addiction more seriously. [5] Hit day 100. [6] Conquer dip.

Again, sorry to those I have wronged. Please give me a chance to prove that statement to you.

- Sparrow

Day 1: 10/20/2013

""The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.?

"To put off your old self,
Which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires,
And to be renewed in the spirit of your minds,
And to put on the new self,
Created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness
Ephesians 4:22-24

"The only easy day was yesterday."
United States Navy SEALs

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2013, 04:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Sparrow
Wow...should have subscribed to my own thread.

Going to take some time and process all of this before I jump to a response.
Do or Do Not...There is No Try!
Cancer doesn't give a fuck about You and your family!
Post Roll, Keep Your word, wake and repeat!
Works for me and many other balls to the wall quitters!!!
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline Sparrow

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2013, 02:49:00 PM »
Wow...should have subscribed to my own thread.

Going to take some time and process all of this before I jump to a response.

Day 1: 10/20/2013

""The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.?

"To put off your old self,
Which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires,
And to be renewed in the spirit of your minds,
And to put on the new self,
Created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness
Ephesians 4:22-24

"The only easy day was yesterday."
United States Navy SEALs

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2013, 09:37:00 AM »
The Ducks don't allow losers..... 'finger point'
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

Offline Jlud007

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2013, 01:41:00 PM »
I just can't seem to let this one go.....

So Sparrow, I see you posted roll today, Day 7 right?

Today would have been your HOF day if you wouldn't have been a pussy and stuck that shit in your mouth again. I would like to know how you feel starting over again, instead of taking pride in your milestone today.

You continue to stay silent, posting roll with your new group but you have yet to address the group you lied to when you posted your Day 96 after caving. Do you think by staying quiet, posting in Jan '14 that you won't repeat your mistake and cave again?

I would encourage you to show some fucking integrity and then get involved in your quit. I'm not the only one that noticed January has become a huge group, some good quitters but not without it's problems. Why don't you step up and take your quit to the next level Sparrow? Take a role in your group's quit, something...... I hope you show some testicular fortitude, but I don't expect we'll see anything new..... except maybe another Day 1 down the road.

Offline Sgt12

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2013, 02:04:00 AM »
Yeah, his cave was planned and it's BS. Unreal that he gave up on himself and his quit brothers so easily and casually.

He owes his brothers an explanation but judging by his actions since his planned cave, they won't get one.
Cave: 11/28/13
New Quit Date: 11/29/13

Don't ever get complacent.

Offline Jlud007

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2013, 01:37:00 PM »
I think that it is bullshit that Sparrow refuses to respond for his actions. Caving, lying afterwards and not showing any respect to the group he pissed on. I don't speak for all of the Ducks but i'm sure a few would agree with me.

I would hope your new group would get on your ass to come clean (Hello January?!) Eventually though, this kind of behavior will not keep you quit, but lead right back where you started.


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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2013, 11:27:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: klark
Quote from: Pinched
Sparrow - Day 96 - Congrats, Woz and Evil (should have been Pinched)!!!
The above was posted on Tuesday 10/22/13; I changed the QAS because his indicated cave was either 10/18 or 10/19 per his note.

I would advise not screwing with roll, that does not fly around here. If he is lying, he has to come clean but he has to change it. Roll is sacred, we don't mess with it.
Sorry guys,, I caved.. No big deal!! Duck fips,, I posted with you side by side for over 90 days, but that don't mean sh--t to me. I'll just join another group and start over. Hope you don't mind. Oh by the way,, I lied for a couple days on roll.. Well, see you guys later,, have much to do today..

Does this pretty much sum this all up??
Game 2 of the world series is tonight. I'm going to sit in the bar tonight, drink and watch the game. I will however probably be craving so I'm going to go to the 7-11 and buy some cope to go along with that beer.

You guys will forgive me when I post roll over the next few days while I have a big ole rub in my lip right? Nice, I thought you all would. I'll post a day one on Monday just to keep it all official and start all over again.

Thanks everyone for letting me do this and still allowing me to be part of this site. I really will quit again in a few days even though I don't need to be accountable to anyone. I'll just jump on to the February 2014 group and no one will know any different.

(I'm kidding of course and I would never do this but if we don't hold peeps accountable then this is what happens)

Offline jake frawley

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2013, 10:56:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: klark
Quote from: Pinched
Sparrow - Day 96 - Congrats, Woz and Evil (should have been Pinched)!!!
The above was posted on Tuesday 10/22/13; I changed the QAS because his indicated cave was either 10/18 or 10/19 per his note.

I would advise not screwing with roll, that does not fly around here. If he is lying, he has to come clean but he has to change it. Roll is sacred, we don't mess with it.
Sorry guys,, I caved.. No big deal!! Duck fips,, I posted with you side by side for over 90 days, but that don't mean sh--t to me. I'll just join another group and start over. Hope you don't mind. Oh by the way,, I lied for a couple days on roll.. Well, see you guys later,, have much to do today..

Does this pretty much sum this all up??
WOW!!!! I almost missed this one.......

Bro you need to wise up! This shit is for real! We live and die by ONE fundamental truth. Our word is our bond! You caved.... o.k. I can actually understand that! But posting roll while chewing is unacceptable to anyone here! It is a violation of our codes and if I am not mistaken it carries consequences far greater here. I do not wish to see you go because I think everyone needs support. However, you need to be a man of your word and be a man that your brothers can trust. How can anyone trust you to have there back if they do not know that you are real? You have some explaining to do and I would advise you to do it with more seriousness then just acting like "it was great while it lasted but now your going to move on to a new group"...... that does not cut it! you have people that have supported you and they need to know why they should support you again. You get out of KTC what you put into it. Nothing more nothing less!

Offline srans

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2013, 04:34:00 PM »
Quote from: klark
Quote from: Pinched
Sparrow - Day 96 - Congrats, Woz and Evil (should have been Pinched)!!!
The above was posted on Tuesday 10/22/13; I changed the QAS because his indicated cave was either 10/18 or 10/19 per his note.

I would advise not screwing with roll, that does not fly around here. If he is lying, he has to come clean but he has to change it. Roll is sacred, we don't mess with it.
Sorry guys,, I caved.. No big deal!! Duck fips,, I posted with you side by side for over 90 days, but that don't mean sh--t to me. I'll just join another group and start over. Hope you don't mind. Oh by the way,, I lied for a couple days on roll.. Well, see you guys later,, have much to do today..

Does this pretty much sum this all up??
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2013, 04:21:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Sparrow - Day 96 - Congrats, Woz and Evil (should have been Pinched)!!!
The above was posted on Tuesday 10/22/13; I changed the QAS because his indicated cave was either 10/18 or 10/19 per his note.

I would advise not screwing with roll, that does not fly around here. If he is lying, he has to come clean but he has to change it. Roll is sacred, we don't mess with it.
A promise not kept is the road to exile.

If quitting is cool, consider me Myles Davis.

Unless you bring value onto my 1/2 acre, I don't want to hear it.

Offline Jlud007

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Re: DAY 1 - LET'S DO IT!!!
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2013, 04:03:00 PM »
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: Pinched
Sparrow - Day 96 - Congrats, Woz and Evil (should have been Pinched)!!!
The above was posted on Tuesday 10/22/13; I changed the QAS because his indicated cave was either 10/18 or 10/19 per his note.

So what you're saying is...he's a liar?
Well after looking at the facts from yesterday yeah that is what I am saying. He may have been quit again yesterday but he posted day 96.
Then he's got some explaining to do. 'Popcorn'
Agreed, I think a thorough explanation and confession is due here Sparrow. I thought I sniffed a little bullshit in the first post. Your "confession" just seemed a little flippant and casual given the situation.

I like many others understand that this addiction is a life and death battle and your explanation screamed to me "oh well, fuck off, see you in Jan '14".

As is if caving isn't enough, you posted roll quit after your cave. I hope you look in the mirror and make the decision that you want to be a real quitter. Otherwise just take the excuses out the door with you.