Author Topic: Day 5  (Read 3029 times)

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2014, 04:02:00 PM »
Quote from: El_Fergo
--and hopefully last time--
Hope is what we do when we don't have control over a situation. I hope my next kid is a boy, I hope my plane doesn't crash.

Do I hope that I won't drink gasoline tomorrow when I fill up my car? No - I'm no more likely to take a swig of 87 octane than I am to put a dip in my lip.

You, and only you, decide if you will dip today.
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Offline Minny

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2014, 03:58:00 PM »
Quote from: El_Fergo
Quote from: Minny
I don't mean for this to come off as negative, Fergo, but we see hundreds of people stop in to KTC for just a nanosecond only to never be heard from again. Hopefully we can get our hooks into you while you're here.

Your intro doesn't have me convinced that you want this bad enough. Quitting is hard and the addiction is stronger than our love of teeth or money.

What brought you here, man? I'm happy for you that the first five days haven't been that bad, but eventually you're going to be tested. Way less than half of people that write an intro on KTC make it to the HOF. What's it gonna be for you?
Minny, I apologize that my "war face" doesn't scare you. But, I'm really glad you're talking with me. I think my biggest test will be going into a convenience store. Scared of that. If I go in, I'll want to buy dip. So, right now, it's avoidance. Actually, it's all about avoidance right now, tricking myself into thinking that the herbal dip is real, etc. If I can fool myself for another week, then I can start delving into more truths.
Well, you're talking back with us and that's a good start. Stay close to your intro and whatever you do don't have any nicotine, Not Today For Any Reason. Then, first thing tomorrow get online and post roll with your group and make the commitment.

I "quit" dozens of times over the years. I was going to quit when I graduated college, changed jobs, moved in with my girlfriend, got engaged, got married, then there were the countless commitments to my wife that I would quit "today," 1st of the month, 1st of the year, when my kid was born, on her 1st birthday, 2nd birthday... I threw probably 100 full cans (less one chew) into the trash can. Failure, failure, failure. What you don't get yet is that it's not about being able to go into a c-store without caving; rather 99% of the time the decision is made and the entire trip TO the c-store is a "fuck it, I'm having Just One" trip.

In any case, KTC, for all its flaws, is the only thing that worked for any of us. And, if I may add, it worked for all of us without even the slightest modification. Take a shit ton of determination and follow these rules:

-Post roll each day (that means EVERY DAMN DAY)
-Don't have any nicotine that day no matter what

It's not that I'm not scared of your war face, rather I'm concerned that you've shown up at the battlefield wearing Life Is Good pajamas and flip flops wearing the same war face you'd bring to a channel surfing session on a rainy Sunday. And that's what it is: concern. You're here and you're engaged (for now). I want you to "get it" before you cave, never to be seen again.

27 years of dipping? Shit's gonna get real for you at some point and I just want to see you win. In any case, whether you do this looking like William Wallace or looking like The Dude, just follow the two rules.

For the record, I have my doubts that you will stick around.

Prove me wrong.
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Offline El_Fergo

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2014, 03:52:00 PM »
Quote from: J2thaZ

This is why this site works. You posted your intro about 4 hours ago, and you have 16 replies and 89 views of your intro. Bet you never had that kind of support before when you tried to quit? We're committed to this thing. We're committed to your quit if you can let your sac hang out a little and man up. You've started off well, now commit to it and the Sultans. You won't regret it.
Thanks J2. Ya, I posted my quit on facebook too. So, I have some accountability. This is the first time--and hopefully last time--that I've seriously tried to quit.

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2014, 03:37:00 PM »

This is why this site works. You posted your intro about 4 hours ago, and you have 16 replies and 89 views of your intro. Bet you never had that kind of support before when you tried to quit? We're committed to this thing. We're committed to your quit if you can let your sac hang out a little and man up. You've started off well, now commit to it and the Sultans. You won't regret it.
Desire. Dedication. Discipline.

"You determine if you are going to make it, not your excuses." - flashman

"those who are truly my brothers know that I will never betray them." - LOOT

"ain't no way I'm going to lie to my Sultans....I'd rather die" - CavMan83

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2014, 03:18:00 PM »
Yes, read, read, quit  read, drink a ton of water, and post roll. Do not use nicotine. Rinse and repeat tomorrow.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline J2thaZ

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2014, 03:15:00 PM »
Quote from: El_Fergo
Quote from: Minny
I don't mean for this to come off as negative, Fergo, but we see hundreds of people stop in to KTC for just a nanosecond only to never be heard from again. Hopefully we can get our hooks into you while you're here.

Your intro doesn't have me convinced that you want this bad enough. Quitting is hard and the addiction is stronger than our love of teeth or money.

What brought you here, man? I'm happy for you that the first five days haven't been that bad, but eventually you're going to be tested. Way less than half of people that write an intro on KTC make it to the HOF. What's it gonna be for you?
Minny, I apologize that my "war face" doesn't scare you. But, I'm really glad you're talking with me. I think my biggest test will be going into a convenience store. Scared of that. If I go in, I'll want to buy dip. So, right now, it's avoidance. Actually, it's all about avoidance right now, tricking myself into thinking that the herbal dip is real, etc. If I can fool myself for another week, then I can start delving into more truths.
Good start. One of the all-time bad-asses on this site, Evil_Won, loves to talk about his avoidance of the "C-stores" as he calls them. I would tell you to send him a PM, but he'll probably saying something really awkward to you and if you aren't ready for it, you might get nervous. Just a forewarning. If you want to learn how to quit like a boss, keep your lips planted firmly on the rear-ends of Evil and LOOT and they'll steer you the right way.
Desire. Dedication. Discipline.

"You determine if you are going to make it, not your excuses." - flashman

"those who are truly my brothers know that I will never betray them." - LOOT

"ain't no way I'm going to lie to my Sultans....I'd rather die" - CavMan83

Offline El_Fergo

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2014, 03:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Minny
I don't mean for this to come off as negative, Fergo, but we see hundreds of people stop in to KTC for just a nanosecond only to never be heard from again. Hopefully we can get our hooks into you while you're here.

Your intro doesn't have me convinced that you want this bad enough. Quitting is hard and the addiction is stronger than our love of teeth or money.

What brought you here, man? I'm happy for you that the first five days haven't been that bad, but eventually you're going to be tested. Way less than half of people that write an intro on KTC make it to the HOF. What's it gonna be for you?
Minny, I apologize that my "war face" doesn't scare you. But, I'm really glad you're talking with me. I think my biggest test will be going into a convenience store. Scared of that. If I go in, I'll want to buy dip. So, right now, it's avoidance. Actually, it's all about avoidance right now, tricking myself into thinking that the herbal dip is real, etc. If I can fool myself for another week, then I can start delving into more truths.

Offline J2thaZ

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2014, 03:09:00 PM »
Quote from: El_Fergo
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: Thumblewort
Hi Fergo, you made a great decision to add the KTC to your quit. Dive in, get some numbers from folks, and post roll, and we can quit together.

I am also glad you didn't go through what we like to call THE SUCK, generally the first 3-4 days of going cold turkey. Most of us did, so all I ask is to be sensitive about how easy you think it's going. You are the exception to the rule!

We also had a recent quitter who bragged about how easy it was, but also routinely told us to kill ourselves as well, so the drama of that person still lingers as well.
Unintentionally hilarious ending there Thumble
Hey Thumblewort. I've tried to quite half-heartedly before. But, it would suck--I'd go back after a day, or after an excuse of "stress." I don't think it's so cold turkey with the herbal snuff. I'm using that up pretty good. Only been 5 days, but the last time I went 5 days without dip was 27 years ago.
This is what it's about. Keep adding "+1s" to your total. That means don't worry about the past and don't worry about tomorrow. Win today. That's it. Then wake up tomorrow and start again.

Head into the "quit groups" tab and find our group Pre-HOF September 2014. Scroll through the most recent roll post and it show's you the step by step approach for how to post roll.

Let me know if you have any further issues and I can lead you through it. Welcome to KTC and let's get after this thing.
Desire. Dedication. Discipline.

"You determine if you are going to make it, not your excuses." - flashman

"those who are truly my brothers know that I will never betray them." - LOOT

"ain't no way I'm going to lie to my Sultans....I'd rather die" - CavMan83

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2014, 03:03:00 PM »
Quote from: El_Fergo
Where's my quit page?

Offline El_Fergo

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2014, 03:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Menace
Believe it or not these posts might sound like we are jerks but in reality this is what you call tough love. Quitting around here is not taken lightly, in fact it is serious as serious gets. KTC is in the business of saving lives so it is serious stuff. Hope you stick around and are serious about this. If you are, it's real simple.

1. Post roll every damn day (you must take this serious, it is the foundation of your quit)
2. Keep that promise to yourself and us as if you have a pair hanging down there.
3. Repeat.......

Lastly, always remember that you are an addict, yes addict, we all are and that is why we use. It's not because we love the cancer causing, money pit lip turd, it is an addiction pure and simple.

Take a look around, post roll and we will all quit with you today.
Hey Meance. I'm just grateful that you're writing me back. Or that anyone is responding. If you didn't care, you wouldn't write. I'm an addict, make no bones about it--always will be. Just to clarify a bit about me--apparently, the threat of cancer just wasn't enough to make me quit. I'd just think, well that happens to other people. I'd be the cigar-smoking George Burns that dips and lives to be 100.
I didn't want to post on my first day because of fear that I'd be a wuss and go back to the can. Five days, I think I earned the reward to post an intro. Like I mentioned earlier, I need to do the roll and all. Just can't figure it out yet. Where's my quit page?

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2014, 02:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: Thumblewort
Hi Fergo, you made a great decision to add the KTC to your quit. Dive in, get some numbers from folks, and post roll, and we can quit together.

I am also glad you didn't go through what we like to call THE SUCK, generally the first 3-4 days of going cold turkey. Most of us did, so all I ask is to be sensitive about how easy you think it's going. You are the exception to the rule!

We also had a recent quitter who bragged about how easy it was, but also routinely told us to kill ourselves as well, so the drama of that person still lingers as well.
Unintentionally hilarious ending there Thumble
Hey Thumblewort. I've tried to quite half-heartedly before. But, it would suck--I'd go back after a day, or after an excuse of "stress." I don't think it's so cold turkey with the herbal snuff. I'm using that up pretty good. Only been 5 days, but the last time I went 5 days without dip was 27 years ago.

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2014, 02:36:00 PM »
Quote from: J2thaZ
Quote from: El_Fergo
Howdy everyone. I quit June 1. So, it's been five days tobacco free, and it hasn't been that bad. Weird, right? I've been dipping for 27 years. I was a can a day user for the last 10 years. Before my quit date, I stocked up on 30 cans of Hooch herbal snuff. That's been my crutch. I'm going through a can a day of Hooch easily. The Hooch is more expensive than my cheapo Stokers natural that I was dipping (only $3/can). So, I haven't seen any monetary savings--yet. Loved the cope long cut and the Red long cut, but that was putting me in the poor house.
I keep telling myself, where I'll save the most money is in health insurance. Can't wait until I can leave the "tobacco user" box blank. Stick it to the health insurance man!
Also, I have a dentist appointment scheduled for June 24. Figured that would also motivate me to quit. My teeth are sooo damn yellow. I know the Hooch isn't helping my teeth much, but my gums and lower lip already feel (and look) much better.
So far, so good.
Hey Fergo, I have the same quit date as you so we're going through the same sort of stuff right now.

I'm happy for you that things seem to be coming easily right now. You have to HATE this shit though. You have to physically become ill thinking about what nicotine has stolen from you for the last 27 years. This isn't a "no harm, no foul" kind of thing. For 27 years you were a concubine for nicotine and she screwed you every chance she got. Not only did you take it, you paid her thousands and thousands of hard-earned dollars to continue to allow her to do so.

You have to WANT to stay quit with us Sultans (your quit group). Get to posting roll and show us this isn't a financial problem or a teeth problem. It's a life-or-death problem. Don't play russian roulette with one more can of worm dirt.

Quit with you today brother.
Cool, you're right. I've been calling this worm dirt for years. Nice to be doing something about it. Sultans! I'm still trying to figure this site out--How to do roll, etc.

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2014, 02:33:00 PM »
Thanks, I do my best work unconsciously.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2014, 02:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Hi Fergo, you made a great decision to add the KTC to your quit. Dive in, get some numbers from folks, and post roll, and we can quit together.

I am also glad you didn't go through what we like to call THE SUCK, generally the first 3-4 days of going cold turkey. Most of us did, so all I ask is to be sensitive about how easy you think it's going. You are the exception to the rule!

We also had a recent quitter who bragged about how easy it was, but also routinely told us to kill ourselves as well, so the drama of that person still lingers as well.
Unintentionally hilarious ending there Thumble

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2014, 02:01:00 PM »
Hi Fergo, you made a great decision to add the KTC to your quit. Dive in, get some numbers from folks, and post roll, and we can quit together.

I am also glad you didn't go through what we like to call THE SUCK, generally the first 3-4 days of going cold turkey. Most of us did, so all I ask is to be sensitive about how easy you think it's going. You are the exception to the rule!

We also had a recent quitter who bragged about how easy it was, but also routinely told us to kill ourselves as well, so the drama of that person still lingers as well.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.