Author Topic: Day 5  (Read 3030 times)

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Offline J2thaZ

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2014, 01:20:00 PM »
Quote from: El_Fergo
Howdy everyone. I quit June 1. So, it's been five days tobacco free, and it hasn't been that bad. Weird, right? I've been dipping for 27 years. I was a can a day user for the last 10 years. Before my quit date, I stocked up on 30 cans of Hooch herbal snuff. That's been my crutch. I'm going through a can a day of Hooch easily. The Hooch is more expensive than my cheapo Stokers natural that I was dipping (only $3/can). So, I haven't seen any monetary savings--yet. Loved the cope long cut and the Red long cut, but that was putting me in the poor house.
I keep telling myself, where I'll save the most money is in health insurance. Can't wait until I can leave the "tobacco user" box blank. Stick it to the health insurance man!
Also, I have a dentist appointment scheduled for June 24. Figured that would also motivate me to quit. My teeth are sooo damn yellow. I know the Hooch isn't helping my teeth much, but my gums and lower lip already feel (and look) much better.
So far, so good.
Hey Fergo, I have the same quit date as you so we're going through the same sort of stuff right now.

I'm happy for you that things seem to be coming easily right now. You have to HATE this shit though. You have to physically become ill thinking about what nicotine has stolen from you for the last 27 years. This isn't a "no harm, no foul" kind of thing. For 27 years you were a concubine for nicotine and she screwed you every chance she got. Not only did you take it, you paid her thousands and thousands of hard-earned dollars to continue to allow her to do so.

You have to WANT to stay quit with us Sultans (your quit group). Get to posting roll and show us this isn't a financial problem or a teeth problem. It's a life-or-death problem. Don't play russian roulette with one more can of worm dirt.

Quit with you today brother.
Desire. Dedication. Discipline.

"You determine if you are going to make it, not your excuses." - flashman

"those who are truly my brothers know that I will never betray them." - LOOT

"ain't no way I'm going to lie to my Sultans....I'd rather die" - CavMan83

Offline Menace

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2014, 01:11:00 PM »
Believe it or not these posts might sound like we are jerks but in reality this is what you call tough love. Quitting around here is not taken lightly, in fact it is serious as serious gets. KTC is in the business of saving lives so it is serious stuff. Hope you stick around and are serious about this. If you are, it's real simple.

1. Post roll every damn day (you must take this serious, it is the foundation of your quit)
2. Keep that promise to yourself and us as if you have a pair hanging down there.
3. Repeat.......

Lastly, always remember that you are an addict, yes addict, we all are and that is why we use. It's not because we love the cancer causing, money pit lip turd, it is an addiction pure and simple.

Take a look around, post roll and we will all quit with you today.

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Offline Minny

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2014, 12:59:00 PM »
I don't mean for this to come off as negative, Fergo, but we see hundreds of people stop in to KTC for just a nanosecond only to never be heard from again. Hopefully we can get our hooks into you while you're here.

Your intro doesn't have me convinced that you want this bad enough. Quitting is hard and the addiction is stronger than our love of teeth or money.

What brought you here, man? I'm happy for you that the first five days haven't been that bad, but eventually you're going to be tested. Way less than half of people that write an intro on KTC make it to the HOF. What's it gonna be for you?
Quit Date 7/12/13
HOF Date 10/19/13

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Offline Lipizzaner

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Re: Day 5
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2014, 12:45:00 PM »
Quote from: El_Fergo
Howdy everyone. I quit June 1. So, it's been five days tobacco free, and it hasn't been that bad. Weird, right? I've been dipping for 27 years. I was a can a day user for the last 10 years. Before my quit date, I stocked up on 30 cans of Hooch herbal snuff. That's been my crutch. I'm going through a can a day of Hooch easily. The Hooch is more expensive than my cheapo Stokers natural that I was dipping (only $3/can). So, I haven't seen any monetary savings--yet. Loved the cope long cut and the Red long cut, but that was putting me in the poor house.
I keep telling myself, where I'll save the most money is in health insurance. Can't wait until I can leave the "tobacco user" box blank. Stick it to the health insurance man!
Also, I have a dentist appointment scheduled for June 24. Figured that would also motivate me to quit. My teeth are sooo damn yellow. I know the Hooch isn't helping my teeth much, but my gums and lower lip already feel (and look) much better.
So far, so good.
Rather than thinking of things in terms of monetary savings from chew, decreased health premiums, and whiter teeth, my motivation for quitting was so that I wouldn't die of mouth, throat, stomach, or any other type of cancer we are begging for from the poison.
In addition, I was no longer a slave to anyone or anything.
The fact that I was saving money, and improving my appearance is just a side benefit.
Heres another tip... you didn't love the Cope long cut, you were addicted to it.
Anyway, if you are serious about quitting, it is great to have you here. Find the welcome center, post roll.
Hopefully you will look back on this intro and slap your forehead in a few weeks.

Offline El_Fergo

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Day 5
« on: June 06, 2014, 12:24:00 PM »
Howdy everyone. I quit June 1. So, it's been five days tobacco free, and it hasn't been that bad. Weird, right? I've been dipping for 27 years. I was a can a day user for the last 10 years. Before my quit date, I stocked up on 30 cans of Hooch herbal snuff. That's been my crutch. I'm going through a can a day of Hooch easily. The Hooch is more expensive than my cheapo Stokers natural that I was dipping (only $3/can). So, I haven't seen any monetary savings--yet. Loved the cope long cut and the Red long cut, but that was putting me in the poor house.
I keep telling myself, where I'll save the most money is in health insurance. Can't wait until I can leave the "tobacco user" box blank. Stick it to the health insurance man!
Also, I have a dentist appointment scheduled for June 24. Figured that would also motivate me to quit. My teeth are sooo damn yellow. I know the Hooch isn't helping my teeth much, but my gums and lower lip already feel (and look) much better.
So far, so good.