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Re: 1st post
« Reply #29 on: May 17, 2013, 09:12:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Nic10
Day 11 was a very tough battle for me. Like I mentioned before I coach basketball and today was the fourth game I've coached since I quit. I thought that I had the whole post game trigger under control finally. However the difference between today and the other 3 gamedays it that today was the first time my team had loss since my quit. It was a really close game and came down to the final shot. Once I left the game I had all kinds of emotions running through my head and it took absolutely every ounce of willpower in my body not to drive to the gas station and buy a can. Instead I came home and cooked some steaks and burgers on the grill for my wife and son and tried not to be a total ass to them. Then after I finished the game was still on my mind so I told my wife "man if only I could have a chew right now" luckily for me she immediately punched me in the balls a soon as I said that. It was the only time she's ever done that, but dammit I'm glad she did haha. I managed to pull myself together and hit the gym for a long two hours of weight lifting and once I finished I the urge to dip was long gone.

It was rough today, but KTC was in my mind the whole time and I knew I had to keep my word, because if I can't keep my word everyday to you guys then there is no way I would be fit to lead a team of 9-12 graders and preach things like integrity and character. Once again I am really thankful for everyone's help here at KTC and I appreciate the opportunity to vent like this.

I am still damn proud to be quit!
Your team may have lost, but you won today.

Chew wouldn't have made your team win or lessened the blow of them losing. Don't give it so much credit.

Also why fuck up a good bbq dinner by sticking a terd in your mouth after?

Any day you keep that shit out your mouth is a win. Keep racking up W's and things get easier. I promise.

Soon your team could get run out of the gym by 50 and the only thing on your mind will be teaming them a new asshole.

Hang strong, bro. Its worth it, trust me.
Listen to diesel,, start getting that mind right nic. Quitting comes from deep within I believe. From deep within YOU start telling your mind the truth about the krap you were addicted to. The sooner you get that mind right, the easier the quit becomes. If you haven't yet, read the facts about why your addicted to nicotine. It really helped me to get some knowledge about this fight. Glad to be quit with you.
Glad you're still quit, one thing I did pick up, was talking about teaching 9th to 12th graders integrity. How about also teaching them, you can do this, and it's not an acceptable or cool habit for the coah to have.

I quit with you today.

Offline srans

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #28 on: May 17, 2013, 08:45:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Nic10
Day 11 was a very tough battle for me. Like I mentioned before I coach basketball and today was the fourth game I've coached since I quit. I thought that I had the whole post game trigger under control finally. However the difference between today and the other 3 gamedays it that today was the first time my team had loss since my quit. It was a really close game and came down to the final shot. Once I left the game I had all kinds of emotions running through my head and it took absolutely every ounce of willpower in my body not to drive to the gas station and buy a can. Instead I came home and cooked some steaks and burgers on the grill for my wife and son and tried not to be a total ass to them. Then after I finished the game was still on my mind so I told my wife "man if only I could have a chew right now" luckily for me she immediately punched me in the balls a soon as I said that. It was the only time she's ever done that, but dammit I'm glad she did haha. I managed to pull myself together and hit the gym for a long two hours of weight lifting and once I finished I the urge to dip was long gone.

It was rough today, but KTC was in my mind the whole time and I knew I had to keep my word, because if I can't keep my word everyday to you guys then there is no way I would be fit to lead a team of 9-12 graders and preach things like integrity and character. Once again I am really thankful for everyone's help here at KTC and I appreciate the opportunity to vent like this.

I am still damn proud to be quit!
Your team may have lost, but you won today.

Chew wouldn't have made your team win or lessened the blow of them losing. Don't give it so much credit.

Also why fuck up a good bbq dinner by sticking a terd in your mouth after?

Any day you keep that shit out your mouth is a win. Keep racking up W's and things get easier. I promise.

Soon your team could get run out of the gym by 50 and the only thing on your mind will be teaming them a new asshole.

Hang strong, bro. Its worth it, trust me.
Listen to diesel,, start getting that mind right nic. Quitting comes from deep within I believe. From deep within YOU start telling your mind the truth about the krap you were addicted to. The sooner you get that mind right, the easier the quit becomes. If you haven't yet, read the facts about why your addicted to nicotine. It really helped me to get some knowledge about this fight. Glad to be quit with you.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #27 on: May 17, 2013, 01:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Nic10
Day 11 was a very tough battle for me. Like I mentioned before I coach basketball and today was the fourth game I've coached since I quit. I thought that I had the whole post game trigger under control finally. However the difference between today and the other 3 gamedays it that today was the first time my team had loss since my quit. It was a really close game and came down to the final shot. Once I left the game I had all kinds of emotions running through my head and it took absolutely every ounce of willpower in my body not to drive to the gas station and buy a can. Instead I came home and cooked some steaks and burgers on the grill for my wife and son and tried not to be a total ass to them. Then after I finished the game was still on my mind so I told my wife "man if only I could have a chew right now" luckily for me she immediately punched me in the balls a soon as I said that. It was the only time she's ever done that, but dammit I'm glad she did haha. I managed to pull myself together and hit the gym for a long two hours of weight lifting and once I finished I the urge to dip was long gone.

It was rough today, but KTC was in my mind the whole time and I knew I had to keep my word, because if I can't keep my word everyday to you guys then there is no way I would be fit to lead a team of 9-12 graders and preach things like integrity and character. Once again I am really thankful for everyone's help here at KTC and I appreciate the opportunity to vent like this.

I am still damn proud to be quit!
Your team may have lost, but you won today.

Chew wouldn't have made your team win or lessened the blow of them losing. Don't give it so much credit.

Also why fuck up a good bbq dinner by sticking a terd in your mouth after?

Any day you keep that shit out your mouth is a win. Keep racking up W's and things get easier. I promise.

Soon your team could get run out of the gym by 50 and the only thing on your mind will be teaming them a new asshole.

Hang strong, bro. Its worth it, trust me.
Quit 06/04/12
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21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Nic10

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2013, 01:12:00 AM »
Day 11 was a very tough battle for me. Like I mentioned before I coach basketball and today was the fourth game I've coached since I quit. I thought that I had the whole post game trigger under control finally. However the difference between today and the other 3 gamedays it that today was the first time my team had loss since my quit. It was a really close game and came down to the final shot. Once I left the game I had all kinds of emotions running through my head and it took absolutely every ounce of willpower in my body not to drive to the gas station and buy a can. Instead I came home and cooked some steaks and burgers on the grill for my wife and son and tried not to be a total ass to them. Then after I finished the game was still on my mind so I told my wife "man if only I could have a chew right now" luckily for me she immediately punched me in the balls a soon as I said that. It was the only time she's ever done that, but dammit I'm glad she did haha. I managed to pull myself together and hit the gym for a long two hours of weight lifting and once I finished I the urge to dip was long gone.

It was rough today, but KTC was in my mind the whole time and I knew I had to keep my word, because if I can't keep my word everyday to you guys then there is no way I would be fit to lead a team of 9-12 graders and preach things like integrity and character. Once again I am really thankful for everyone's help here at KTC and I appreciate the opportunity to vent like this.

I am still damn proud to be quit!

Offline Nic10

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2013, 11:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: Nic10
I gotta be honest fellas today was a tough day in my quit. I coach basketball and one thing I've always done after every game when I get home is enjoy a chew and reflect on the game. Today after my game on the drive home my brain kept telling to go buy some chew and "just have one and then quit again." I pushed through the cravings by just thinking about some of the great hall of fame speeches I've read on here. I told myself that caving wasn't an option and I'm not going to put that shit in my mouth ever again. Today wasn't easy, but I'm still quit and I owe to all of you on KTC!
I feel you. Im coaching 2 baseball teams and a basketball team. Coaching and dipping used to go hand in hand. Even at the 10U level of little league I'm amazed at the amount of coaches who dip DURRING the games. I would never do that, but after the game I'd fill up. But why? Looking back now even though I do have an occasional crave after a game, I just ask myself, "why". And I can't fucking answer it. There is no reason why now. I did it in the past because I was addicted to it. It didn't enhance the coaching I just did. I swear I was brain washed. You dont need that shit bro. You never did. Way to smack the bitch in the face.

Now it bugs me when I see 3 or 4 little guys on my team load up a huge wad of big league chew between innings. It drives me nuts. I've though of banning it in the dugout even though its just gum.
I know exactly where your coming from man. I was asking myself the same question today "what the hell do I get out of dipping after a game?" I couldn't come up with an answer and finally I just decided that my brain has really been enslaved to the nic bitch.

I absolutely agree with you on banning the big league chew. I was with my 3 year old son buying him some toys at the toy store the other day and I saw a big league chew display at the cash register and it almost made me sick. It's unreal the way the tobacco companies are targeting our youth and stores just blindly put it on display. I feel like as a coach you have every right to enforce what ever rules you think would ultimately benefit your players health and well being. They may not understand it right now, but there will come a day that they'll be appreciative of that rule.

I appreciate everyone's comments and am very glad to know I don't have to fight this war on my own.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2013, 11:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Nic10
I gotta be honest fellas today was a tough day in my quit. I coach basketball and one thing I've always done after every game when I get home is enjoy a chew and reflect on the game. Today after my game on the drive home my brain kept telling to go buy some chew and "just have one and then quit again." I pushed through the cravings by just thinking about some of the great hall of fame speeches I've read on here. I told myself that caving wasn't an option and I'm not going to put that shit in my mouth ever again. Today wasn't easy, but I'm still quit and I owe to all of you on KTC!
I feel you. Im coaching 2 baseball teams and a basketball team. Coaching and dipping used to go hand in hand. Even at the 10U level of little league I'm amazed at the amount of coaches who dip DURRING the games. I would never do that, but after the game I'd fill up. But why? Looking back now even though I do have an occasional crave after a game, I just ask myself, "why". And I can't fucking answer it. There is no reason why now. I did it in the past because I was addicted to it. It didn't enhance the coaching I just did. I swear I was brain washed. You dont need that shit bro. You never did. Way to smack the bitch in the face.

Now it bugs me when I see 3 or 4 little guys on my team load up a huge wad of big league chew between innings. It drives me nuts. I've though of banning it in the dugout even though its just gum.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
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17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Erussell

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2013, 10:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Nic10
I gotta be honest fellas today was a tough day in my quit. I coach basketball and one thing I've always done after every game when I get home is enjoy a chew and reflect on the game. Today after my game on the drive home my brain kept telling to go buy some chew and "just have one and then quit again." I pushed through the cravings by just thinking about some of the great hall of fame speeches I've read on here. I told myself that caving wasn't an option and I'm not going to put that shit in my mouth ever again. Today wasn't easy, but I'm still quit and I owe to all of you on KTC!
I am with you man. I have the same moments. Mine are more just give me the patch so I can think clear for a freaking mother F-ing freaking damn it monument lol. No craves but the fog has got me. Hand in there bro. You won tonight. Post roll and win again tomorrow.
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2013, 10:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Nic10
I gotta be honest fellas today was a tough day in my quit. I coach basketball and one thing I've always done after every game when I get home is enjoy a chew and reflect on the game. Today after my game on the drive home my brain kept telling to go buy some chew and "just have one and then quit again." I pushed through the cravings by just thinking about some of the great hall of fame speeches I've read on here. I told myself that caving wasn't an option and I'm not going to put that shit in my mouth ever again. Today wasn't easy, but I'm still quit and I owe to all of you on KTC!
Score Nic10 = +1, NicBiotch = 0

well done for the victory today. That is exactly what we all look for in our daily fight, reaching deep down inside ourselves to win the battle.

Also remember to give yourself some more tools, make friends/brothers/sisters here on the site, get numbers and use them as they will help keep that score growing in the right direction

from one coach (baseball) to another (you), I quit with you today....+1

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2013, 10:36:00 PM »
I gotta be honest fellas today was a tough day in my quit. I coach basketball and one thing I've always done after every game when I get home is enjoy a chew and reflect on the game. Today after my game on the drive home my brain kept telling to go buy some chew and "just have one and then quit again." I pushed through the cravings by just thinking about some of the great hall of fame speeches I've read on here. I told myself that caving wasn't an option and I'm not going to put that shit in my mouth ever again. Today wasn't easy, but I'm still quit and I owe to all of you on KTC!

Offline Erussell

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2013, 10:38:00 PM »
Srans,,,, as I keep saying you are a BA quiter! That makes sense. Tks for taking the time to post that. I am going to let my wife know when I wake her ass up tonight no tombitch that soon she will be trying like hell just to wake me up. Lol our quit it on Srans! It is on! Hang in their nic10 I quit with yu brother.
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

Offline Nic10

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2013, 09:10:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Glad to see your hanging Nic. You got a bad ass quit going.

I gotcha a answer for the sleep problem.

I could use words like dopamine, pathways, circuitry and try to sound intelligent. Who would i be fooling. I'm half red neck, so We'll keep it simple.

You screwed your shit (brain) for a long time. Besides depriving your shit of air you were feeding it poison. It had to adapt. Now you've finally stopped with the poison, and began to give it the right amount of oxygen. Now it is repairing The damage you have done. Sleep may be a problem for a while. Your shit has to work hard so sleep is not something it wants to do for a little while. Then your shit will want to rest. That's when you will catch up on sleep.

Its part of the process gentleman. Quit on.
Thanks buddy, that's good info.

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2013, 02:10:00 PM »
Glad to see your hanging Nic. You got a bad ass quit going.

I gotcha a answer for the sleep problem.

I could use words like dopamine, pathways, circuitry and try to sound intelligent. Who would i be fooling. I'm half red neck, so We'll keep it simple.

You screwed your shit (brain) for a long time. Besides depriving your shit of air you were feeding it poison. It had to adapt. Now you've finally stopped with the poison, and began to give it the right amount of oxygen. Now it is repairing The damage you have done. Sleep may be a problem for a while. Your shit has to work hard so sleep is not something it wants to do for a little while. Then your shit will want to rest. That's when you will catch up on sleep.

Its part of the process gentleman. Quit on.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Nic10

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2013, 02:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: omahaflyer
Quote from: Nic10
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: Nic10
I feel really good about this quit right now. I've managed to control my cravings thanks to this website, but one issue I've been having lately is not being able to sleep right since I quit. I was never someone who dipped throughout the day I always waited until I was winding down at night to have one and relax. So I am thinking that this might just be me needing to get my body adjusted to winding down without a chew. I keep laying in bed for hours, then once I do fall asleep I'll wake up again, and in the mornings I feel like I'm hungover. I was wondering if anyone may have some advice for me or if this is just one of the things that my body will just have to work out on its own.
Yea I can't sleep either. Lol 2 hours a night at best. I did use all day everyday so I think it's just more a withdraw thing but I'm no expert. I have no idea how to make it better; so if anyone knows a safe solution I would love to hear it as well!
I can tell you man it doesn't matter if you use all day everyday or just once a day, the addiction is the same and we're both finding out it's a bitch to kick. Although, I have sort of embraced the pain that is coming with it so far. I just wish it didn't make me completely useless for the entire morning while I try to snap out of my zombie like state. I have to say this still feels better than the guilt I had every night that I went to bed after chewing.
Your sleep patterns will be messed up. At first I could not sleep for any length of time. Later into my quit, I could not stay awake. Excersise will help regulate your sleep.
You may or may not have other side effects as your body/brain heals.
I have been working out, but I have always. I managed to sleep until 4am uninterrupted last night,
getting better, just hope this is the start of a trend. You sleep any better last night Nick?
Yeah I agree working out is great for helping with the quit. I've always lifted, but recently I joined a 24 hour gym so if I get a late night craving I'll go down the road to the gym and hit the treadmill for about 20 or 30 minutes. I slept a lot better last night and I didn't feel hungover this morning when I woke up.

One of my favorite songs to dip too came on today while I was working in my yard and I had to fight off one hell of a craving. I just went in the house and grabbed some jolly ranchers and it passed after a few minutes.

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2013, 10:00:00 AM »
Quote from: omahaflyer
Quote from: Nic10
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: Nic10
I feel really good about this quit right now. I've managed to control my cravings thanks to this website, but one issue I've been having lately is not being able to sleep right since I quit. I was never someone who dipped throughout the day I always waited until I was winding down at night to have one and relax. So I am thinking that this might just be me needing to get my body adjusted to winding down without a chew. I keep laying in bed for hours, then once I do fall asleep I'll wake up again, and in the mornings I feel like I'm hungover. I was wondering if anyone may have some advice for me or if this is just one of the things that my body will just have to work out on its own.
Yea I can't sleep either. Lol 2 hours a night at best. I did use all day everyday so I think it's just more a withdraw thing but I'm no expert. I have no idea how to make it better; so if anyone knows a safe solution I would love to hear it as well!
I can tell you man it doesn't matter if you use all day everyday or just once a day, the addiction is the same and we're both finding out it's a bitch to kick. Although, I have sort of embraced the pain that is coming with it so far. I just wish it didn't make me completely useless for the entire morning while I try to snap out of my zombie like state. I have to say this still feels better than the guilt I had every night that I went to bed after chewing.
Your sleep patterns will be messed up. At first I could not sleep for any length of time. Later into my quit, I could not stay awake. Excersise will help regulate your sleep.
You may or may not have other side effects as your body/brain heals.
I have been working out, but I have always. I managed to sleep until 4am uninterrupted last night,
getting better, just hope this is the start of a trend. You sleep any better last night Nick?
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

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Re: 1st post
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2013, 09:14:00 AM »
Quote from: Nic10
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: Nic10
I feel really good about this quit right now. I've managed to control my cravings thanks to this website, but one issue I've been having lately is not being able to sleep right since I quit. I was never someone who dipped throughout the day I always waited until I was winding down at night to have one and relax. So I am thinking that this might just be me needing to get my body adjusted to winding down without a chew. I keep laying in bed for hours, then once I do fall asleep I'll wake up again, and in the mornings I feel like I'm hungover. I was wondering if anyone may have some advice for me or if this is just one of the things that my body will just have to work out on its own.
Yea I can't sleep either. Lol 2 hours a night at best. I did use all day everyday so I think it's just more a withdraw thing but I'm no expert. I have no idea how to make it better; so if anyone knows a safe solution I would love to hear it as well!
I can tell you man it doesn't matter if you use all day everyday or just once a day, the addiction is the same and we're both finding out it's a bitch to kick. Although, I have sort of embraced the pain that is coming with it so far. I just wish it didn't make me completely useless for the entire morning while I try to snap out of my zombie like state. I have to say this still feels better than the guilt I had every night that I went to bed after chewing.
Your sleep patterns will be messed up. At first I could not sleep for any length of time. Later into my quit, I could not stay awake. Excersise will help regulate your sleep.
You may or may not have other side effects as your body/brain heals.
Memorial Stadium

Southeast: "In Commemoration of the men of Nebraska who served and fell in the Nation's Wars."
Southwest: "Not the victory but the action; Not the goal but the game; In the deed the glory."
Northwest: "Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport."
Northeast: "Their Lives they held their country's trust; They kept its faith; They died its heroes."