To my October Group, and anyone else this may have effected,
I failed to quit last June when I gave my word. I stopped giving my word because I was going to cave. It didn't make anything right, because I'm back at the same point 3 months later! I caved because I wasn't taking my health seriously enough, and when a couple of guys started giving me shit on this site, I said "fuck 'em" instead of fighting through the craves. They were just trying to help me by toughening me up.
The difference this time, when it comes down to brass tacks? I don't ever want to go through the pain of panic attacks, like I have in the last year. If I don't have those panic attacks, and my depression gets better (which it already is showing signs of improvement) - there's no form of nicotine in the world that can compare to feeling good, its the best! I'm on my 4th day quit, and not even a twinge of anxiety, and my BP is down too! Enough is enough, I'm quit.
1bignordic 'Finger' (I just like this smiley, it makes me happy!)