Hey Clayton, I'm glad that you decided to free yourself. I'm another 30+ year user, and today is Day 72 for me. I never thought I'd be saying that, but that is what this brotherhood has helped me to achieve, and continues to help me stay quit. Posting roll every single day has been huge for me, and I can't overstate that enough. My promise to my quit brothers here has been an anchor.
I'll tell you, brother, it ain't gonna be fun. In fact, as that Nic Bitch sees her hold on you slipping, she's going to really start kicking your ass, both mentally and physically. But hang tough, my friend, because it will get better. Spend time here and get numbers from people, particularly in your quit group, so that you have an outlet when the cravings get bad, the rage sets in, whatever. PM me if you want mine. You got this.