I am a quitter again. I am trying to figure out this site. So far seems everyone has the same goal.....STAY OFF THAT SHIT!!!!! First off, I quit almost 9 years ago for my new born son. That lasted all of 9 months. Took an innocent pinch of the COPE, and who'da thunk it..... Back on the wagon. That lasted until 24/JUNE/12. I learned from my mistake. I will always crave, I will always want, but I want my life and health more!!!! There I am in a conflicted nut shell. Thanks
June, congrats on your decision to quit. You can do it!
First, let's get you off on the right foot here.
We flat out QUIT cold turkey on this site. No Nic in any form. Period. Post roll, declare your quit and hold yourself and others accountable. There is a ton of great information on this site, read it and you will know what to expect next.
There is no innocent pinch, ever. Chew is highly addictive. We are all nicotine addicts. The sooner you accept that the easier maintaining your quit will be. If you think you are just trying to break a bad habit, you will likely fail.
Yes, you will always crave, but the craves will get weaker as you get stronger.
This site works because of accountability. Post roll, get to know your quit brothers and sisters. PM me if I can help you.