Author Topic: another newbie to the site  (Read 1121 times)

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Offline Scowick65

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Re: another newbie to the site
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2011, 07:54:00 PM »
Quote from: jimmy
on two weeks.  Going through a major deal right now.  My mind is trying to justify just having one more lip turd as i type.  Mind is just asking for one, but it cant happen.  What does not kill us will only make us stronger,  i know the dip and cancer will kill and the resistance to not doing it will make me and us stronger.  please check out my other post as well, all helpfull info is incouraged and strongly reccomended.  Please help

Jimmy dan
Read the law of addiction:


What you need to hear: index.php?showtopic=3861

2 weeks is great. 1 day at a time. :)

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Re: another newbie to the site
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2011, 07:40:00 PM »
on two weeks. Going through a major deal right now. My mind is trying to justify just having one more lip turd as i type. Mind is just asking for one, but it cant happen. What does not kill us will only make us stronger, i know the dip and cancer will kill and the resistance to not doing it will make me and us stronger. please check out my other post as well, all helpfull info is incouraged and strongly reccomended. Please help

Jimmy dan

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Re: another newbie to the site
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2011, 12:08:00 PM »
Whats up guys and gals. Day 14 is in process, that is all i can say. There seems to still be the fog around, it is a bit of a different fog though. I cannot seem to make it through the day without forgetting every damn thing. Hell, i cant remember where i parked my damn car. If i dont generate a to-do list, i cant remember shit. Does this seem normal? Looking for some feedback as to when this may go away.

On the other hand, still quitting one day at a time. That part is going pretty good, i can tell the bitch is still around though. Waiting for that slip up but she can keep waiting until she cannot wait any more.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: another newbie to the site
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2011, 01:39:00 PM »
Nice day 13. Way to go!

Offline whacko

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Re: another newbie to the site
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2011, 06:59:00 AM »
Glad to be quit with you Jimmy! 109 days ago this site saved my life!

Gotta warn you......once you get in this group you are gonna meet some crazy ass people! But these crazy ass people actually care! Let them help you!

Whacko - 109 days
EX ninja dipper!
Felt good to come clean on August 12, 2011

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Re: another newbie to the site
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2011, 06:38:00 AM »
Quote from: jimmy
Hello to all of the newbies and all of the vets as well. I am on day 12 of my quit and ran into the site and thought, i can never have too much help. I am as comitted today as i was on day one. Got to get rid of the nic bitch, just has to and will be done, plain and simple. One day at a time, this is how we do it right.

It seems as though today has been one of the more difficult days i have gone through. I will get through it, it just seems as though there is still some fog around and my motivation level is pretty low. Just kinda going through the motions so to speak. Does this sound normal.

I will post roll in the am.

Good choice jimmy

You are now part of the Qit brotherhood. Some days will be rouger than others. Drink the program kolaid and keep you word daily. We will help you.

Pm me if you need anything
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can do without" HD Thoreau

Offline AtomicDiesel

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Re: another newbie to the site
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2011, 06:14:00 AM »
A lot of things will affect, or is it effect, your quit differently, some good, some bad. Staying plugged in to this site is where the magic is. So welcome aboard, and stick around.
?The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.? Mark 1:15
Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever - TJ
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Offline steve1357

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Re: another newbie to the site
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2011, 12:05:00 AM »
Quote from: jimmy
Hello to all of the newbies and all of the vets as well. I am on day 12 of my quit and ran into the site and thought, i can never have too much help. I am as comitted today as i was on day one. Got to get rid of the nic bitch, just has to and will be done, plain and simple. One day at a time, this is how we do it right.

It seems as though today has been one of the more difficult days i have gone through. I will get through it, it just seems as though there is still some fog around and my motivation level is pretty low. Just kinda going through the motions so to speak. Does this sound normal.

I will post roll in the am.

Great job Jimmy,

It looks like you read up and understand roll call. 12 days is a great accomplishment. Post roll daily and read as much as you can on this site. You will have some tough days ahead of you. Stay close to the site and make some contacts with your quit brothers. If you quit 12 days ago, you should be in the February 2012 quit group. There is no reason not to post roll call tonight, and then do it again tomorrow morning.

Shoot me a pm if I can help.


Offline jimmy dan

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another newbie to the site
« on: November 28, 2011, 10:19:00 PM »
Hello to all of the newbies and all of the vets as well. I am on day 12 of my quit and ran into the site and thought, i can never have too much help. I am as comitted today as i was on day one. Got to get rid of the nic bitch, just has to and will be done, plain and simple. One day at a time, this is how we do it right.

It seems as though today has been one of the more difficult days i have gone through. I will get through it, it just seems as though there is still some fog around and my motivation level is pretty low. Just kinda going through the motions so to speak. Does this sound normal.

I will post roll in the am.
