You know what, I read this and quite honestly you make me sick. You come in here like some know it all sending messages about how you will watch everyone, what you are is full of shit. You are an attention whore, and I am personally sick of your stupid antics. You don't give a shit about anyone, your message to me told me as much.
I took a break from this site because of assholes like you who think it is your job to see if someone posted roll and then call them out as if you are the king. I sent my promise to people everyday, and all you cared about is I took a break from roll. Not, hey is everything OK, can I help with something? No, you are a fucking me monkey.
I posted roll on day 48 when a friend of mine died of ovarian cancer at age 40. I posted roll or got it someone everyday in the first year of my quit while my father whithered away from a rare disease and died on day 390 of my quit. I was here, and when I wasn't I texted it. To this day I text quitters when I don't see them and ask them if they are ok. What do you do? You act like a jackass, you don't teach brotherhood, you want to accuse big brother of whatever because some whack job who took months off at a time from roll told you a story.
In almost 1800 days I have never had anyone question my quit because I never game them a reason. How about you actually worry about someone being ok in their quit instead of watching everyone else so you can catch them in something.