Hey. I quit using nicotine on May 14th, 2016. I've been posting over on QSSN where I am the sole member of my group. I'm still posting there, but I see little downside to adding another layer of accountability.
Anyway, I was a professional dipper for that last 20 years, and a semi-professional quitter for the last 4 years. Everytime I caved I became more secretive in my dipping and my consumption increased. I did a little accounting and figured that with 6 hours of sleep and about 1 hour of eating time, I had a dip in mouth roughly 17 hours out of the day. Goddamn idiot, I am. So many times I "quit" and so many times I failed, that i just assumed I would never be able to quit. But one day something snapped...I realized how tired i was of being a robot and a slave and I dumped all of my dip and NRT on May 14th and became a non-dipper.
So that's that. I quit.