Almost through my first day after five years of dip. Not too bad yet.
It's going to get a little worse before it gets better. Do you have the balls to get through it? It's been a week for me after 20+ years. If I can do it, you can. Plenty of support here. Hit me up if you need anything.
two things:
1. nice work shawn. helping another with his quit strengthen's yours. keep proving skoal monster wrong.
2. wanderer:
the foundation of KTC is roll call. we post roll every morning as a promise to ourselves, our families, and our quit brothers and sisters that we will not use nic for the next 24 hours. this is a cold turkey site... no patches, gum, cigs, or other bullshit. you are posting roll to keep yourself accountable and to keep others accountable along with you. it's a big fucking deal, so do it every day. doing otherwise is taking a shit on the quits of everyone else here. everyone.
get to know people here. the more active you are and the more people you know (and that know you), the more accountable you'll be. you don't see too many cavers with 2x the number of posts as the number of days quit. there's a reason for that. 99% of the time those with big numbers that do cave do so because they "leave" the site and stop posting roll all together. if you can't post roll, make sure you have some phone numbers of fellow quitters that you can call/text and have them post roll for you.
posting roll is that important. it is more important to me than kissing my wife and kids good morning. if you ask them, they think it's that important too. i was on vacation in the back woods of west virginia this past weekend. i had to drive 20 minutes to find wifi to post roll each day. guess what, i didn't miss a day. if i was given a choice to only do one thing... post roll or lay down with mrs. dc, i'd post roll.
you may have some idea that posting roll is important here. it is. but don't worry about fucking it up at first. we'll fix your mistakes and show you the right way. august still has people fucking up roll everyday. just post roll and keep your promise.
glad to be quit with you. see you in october 11...
ps. just to be clear, posting roll is important. (and so is keeping your word)