All you have to do is look at these: have forgotten about these pics. I mean I remember seeing them when I first joined the site back in September after getting a scare from my dentist. I looked at ALL of them again today. I don't think anyone wants to look at them out of fear that this could happen to them (out of sight out of mind). This has strengthened my quit as I don't want to be any of these unfortunate folks that thought they couldn't get mouth/throat cancer.
For those of us having a tough time in the early stages of our quits. This will bring a new reality and a new look on life. How are you going to kiss your wife/husband or receive a kiss on the cheek from your daughter/son if you don't have either a cheek or lips to give and/or receive from a loved one.
I know the thought of getting mouth or throat cancer is scary but the actual photos of what it looks like and the procedures to eradicate the cancer scares the shit out of me. I have been lucky flirting with the nic bitch for quite a while. Why take anymore chances?
If you are having a hard time with your quit like I have and do make these photos a regular stop in your journey. It will make your quit much more enjoyable knowing that the nic bitch will not be able to do these nasty things to you. This is her mark and I don't want anything to do with it or her.
Just a thought, not a sermon.