Listen to Syndrome and head over to February and post roll. Roll is your promise that you will not use nicotine in any shape or form today. All you have to do is keep that promise, wake up and do it again. We quit one day at a time (ODAAT) here whether you're on day 4 or 400. You cannot do anything about yesterday nor win tomorrow before it's here. Win today.
The reason you can't have "just one" is because you are a nicotine addict. I know scary, right? You're an addict, I'm an addict, and the thousands of other quitters that take to this site every day to improve their chances of staying quit from nicotine, they're addicts as well. Dip might be harder for you to let go of because a can of dip has the equivalent nicotine content as three packs of cigs. One can of dip = 60 cigs. Pretty crazy.
The good news? It won't kill you to quit. In fact, quite the opposite, you will actually begin to live LIFE again without plotting for your next fix. It's incredibly liberating to take this fight to nicotine every single day. It won't be easy at first, but it gets easier, and the good days will soon overwhelm the bad days.
You can do this my man. Just gotta jump in with both feet and you can make it happen for you. A well-respected a famed quitter (NOLAQ) on here once said, "you will never regret quitting, but you will always regret caving." Quit today, all today. We'll help as soon as you post that promise.