I am usually a little tired and the nicotine helps with my alertness at work
Your alertness goes down because you are having withdrawls from a drug. It comes back because you sucked on the tit of nicotine once again to further entrench yourself into the slavery.
Continue to choose freedom and realize that the chew is not the solution to your problems. It is the cause of them
Ditto: Day 42 for me and I am more clear thinking and sleep better without that poisonous garbage.
Imagine standing on a busy street corner with a dress on and makeup. You are holding a sign that says, "I am tobaccos little bitch".
Are you that willing to let the can dictate to you what you need? I say you take that craving and realize the nic bitch is trying to seduce you. Knock that devil out.
You need to rewire your thinking. Tobacco is vile. Stop glamorizing it as the savior of your life. Don't entertain it, don't lament the divorce. It is done! If you are with me, you want tobacco and the whole industry dead. You are at war. There is no surrender and no peace. The war ends when you or tobacco is dead!
BTW I love this war. I love shedding light on darkness. You have so many good victories. One you passed the gas station, you didn't stop and two you called for back up. Nicely done. Now don't piss on the troops coming to your aid and cave. Just say no and deal with it. You say, "no" the craving will leave and you will feel stronger, not weaker in the energy you spent to resist.
We are helping you because staying quit is helping us. We are in this together as a brotherhood should be.
All for one and one for all. FUCK NICOTINE. You don't need it. You need to get to where you don't want it. You should be disgusted with the whole industry and cheer when someones says, "ENOUGH!! I AM QUIT"
It is your battle but stop planning your cave. Start fighting, you will see that you are stronger and in control of your addiction. WIN THIS battle for all of us. PLEASE!