Worktowin: You got that shit right! Bank account was a non issue, thankfully, since the money I transferred in got there in time. The keyboard...had a spare one lying around. We're all good!
Day 4!
Had to take a 5 min break from writing this because I just spilled a full cup of coffee all over my desk. I cleaned it up, no biggie. Not the end of the world, I didn't even lose my temper today! I just thought of all the times I spilled my dip spit on shit, and smiled that THIS was just black coffee (I'm not a cream or sugar kind of guy, the military did that to me).
So, got my refill, and just wanted to thank all of you again for having my back. It's been about 84 hours without nicotine, so it should be about out of my system by this point, right?