Hey Guys,
Been reading all over the site here last couple of days...
Long time Skoal/Cope addict here, proally 34 years or so. Worked for US Tobacco in their College Rep program (Maryland, 1984) back in the early 80's handing out Skoal Bandit samples to folks at all kinds of "sporting events" around the DC Metro area.
In fact, I almost went to work for UST after graduation but my first love, American Honda, came across with an offer I couldn't refuse right around the same time... :wub:
No big heart wrenching story to tell that inspired me to quit... really just more of a personal decision that has evolved over time where I'm just plain tired of the constant bad breath, numerous mouth issues, receding gum line, stained teeth, high blood pressure, etc, etc, etc from my many years of self abuse.
Any who, I'm on Day 3 of my quit and while I await my first shipment of Hooch, I'm learning to pinch some coffee/tea as needed to help fight the intense nic pull to the dark side and to help control my short temper...
Dang glad to be here with you fine gentlemen... 'party2'