This is not my first day going without a dip. I have gone in the past a day or two without one, but always pick it right back up, and this has gone on for over 5 years. Its a habit, its an addiction, and I am done. My relationships have suffered, to the point of almost no return. Well today is the day I am quitting for good. I will not call this another attempt. This will be the day that I quit successfully. I ran across this site last night, which was just the extra push I needed to make this be my time to quit. It is good to know I am not alone, and it is good to have the accountability from people who have gone through (and currently going through) what I am. Most people in my life don't understand, or are not willing to face it, or just don't know. I know I will not be alone from everything I have seen on this site. My Name is Andy, I have been addicted to nicotine for over 5 years, and this is day one of my quit (Feels good saying that out loud). I am quitting for myself, and for my family, I will no longer hid it or pretend it is not a problem. It is a problem, I have a problem, and I am ready to face it and quit. Day 1!